The horrific – and often avoidable – impact of the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland on the lives of those in care (like older people and disabled people) has thrown into sharp relief the inadequacies of our social care system.
While the recent Report of the Independent Review of Social Care (the Feeley Review) identified some of the problems, its recommendations shrank back from confronting the cancer at the heart of social care, namely, its domination by market forces and by private providers whose primary concern is with profit and not care.
By contrast, this pamphlet, jointly published by the Jimmy Reid Foundation and the Social Work Action Network (SWAN) with contributions by leading disabled activists, public sector trade unionists, frontline workers and campaigners including Neil Findlay MSP and journalist Kevin McKenna, calls for a publicly owned, controlled and funded national care service, where care workers and care users are in the driving seat.
The pamphlet can help shape the debate in the coming months over the kind of National Care Service we want to see in Scotland. Buy it, read it and order copies for your union branch, your college course or your organisation.
Copies can be purchased in pdf or hard copy from Calton Books for £4 each:
PDF: https://www.calton-books.co.uk/books/people-before-profit-the-future-of-social-care-in-scotland-pdf-version/
Hard copy: https://www.calton-books.co.uk/books/people-before-profit-the-future-of-social-care-in-scotland/
If you wish to order more than 10 copies, there is a 10% discount so please contact Calton Book at shop@calton-books.com to do so
Yours sincerely
Professor Gregor Gall,
Director, The Jimmy Reid Foundation