They’re bitter rivals on the pitch, but city rivals Hearts and Hibs have put hostilities on hold and have teamed up with a Pilton film project to help young people find their voice by making short films.
Screen Education Edinburgh (formerly Pilton Video) will work in partnership with Heart of Midlothian and Hibernian Football Clubs on ‘Xpress Yourself’, a short film making programme targeting city teenagers with priority given to those resident in areas of deprivation. The initiative is funded through the Cashback for Creativy scheme.
Free taster workshops will take place at Tynecastle and Easter Road, giving participants the opportunity to write, shoot and act, giving them a taste of the filmmaking process. The first session takes place on Friday.
From these taster sessions the most interested young people will move forward to form core filmmaking groups based at each club, with intensive training and support provided by Screen Education Edinburgh to enable the young people to produce short films.
Graham Fitzpatrick, Screen Education Edinburgh’s Creative Manager (and Hearts fanatic!) said: “We are delighted to be partnering for the first time both Big Hearts Trust and Hibernian in the Community to deliver another exciting opportunity for youngsters in the Capital. Learning all the aspects of short film-making, from screenwriting to final edit, the young people participating will devise and produce four short films, followed by longer term support from SEE to enhance their skills and knowledge further, enabling them to pursue an interest in film-making.”
Councillor Paul Godzik, Education, Children and Families Convener, City of Edinburgh Council said: “Screen Education Edinburgh provide some fantastic opportunities for young people to learn about filmmaking and put their creative sides into action. I’m really pleased that both Hibs and Hearts are on board and I would encourage 12-19 year olds who haven’t tried something like this before to give it a go.”
Stewart McGuire, Operations Manager, Hibernian Community Foundation said: “This programme is a terrific way to equip young people with skills and tap into their interests through filmmaking. We are pleased to be working in partnership with Screen Education Edinburgh to unleash the imagination and energy of young people as they gain confidence working together.”
Keir MacCulloch, Project Co-ordinator, Big Hearts Community Trust said: ”We are delighted to be working with Screen Education Edinburgh for what promises to be an excellent project and a brilliant opportunity for young film makers in Edinburgh”.
The taster workshops are being held on Friday 5 October from 1.30 – 4.30pm at Easter Road Stadium and at Tynecastle on Friday 12 October, again from 1.30 – 4.30pm. Bus fares will be reimbursed to the young people and snacks will be provided.
Interested? Young people should contact Sarah Drummond at Screen Education Edinburgh – mail or telephone 07827 292 379.
Cashback for Creativity (formally Creative Identities) is Creative Scotland’s programme that provides young people across Scotland with access to high quality dance, film and music activities, funded by the Scottish Government’s CashBack for Communities programme which reinvests the proceeds of crime back into communities to benefit Scotland’s young people.