Anger over Government’s plan to demolish Grenfell Tower


The Deputy Prime Minister has met bereaved families and survivors of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, and written to both them and residents in the immediate community, to share her decision that Grenfell Tower will be ‘carefully taken down to the ground’.

This is a deeply personal matter for the people affected and the Deputy Prime Minister is committed to ‘keeping their voice at the heart of this process’.

The government says Ms Rayner recognises how difficult it is for them and her priority has been to let them know her decision first – but campaigners say the views of bereaved families have been ignored.

Listening to the community 

The Deputy Prime Minister has prioritised engagement with the community since her appointment in July and has met bereaved families, survivors and residents in the immediate community. 

In November last year, the Deputy Prime Minister explained to families that she would listen to their views and consider expert information before making a decision on the future of the Tower in February.

From November she offered bereaved and survivors the opportunity to meet in-person in North Kensington and Whitehall, or online, at different times and individually when families felt more comfortable with this.

She has also spent time with representative groups, residents’ associations, schools and faith leaders. She is grateful to everyone who shared their view – whether directly with her, with the Minister or officials – and especially to the bereaved and survivors.   

The Tower was the home of the 72 innocent people who lost their lives, and of survivors whose lives were forever changed. It is clear from conversations it remains a sacred site. It is also clear that there is not a consensus about what should happen to it. 

For some, Grenfell Tower is a symbol of all that they lost. The presence of the Tower helps to ensure the tragedy is never forgotten and can act as a reminder of the need for justice and accountability. Being able to see the Tower every day helps some people continue to feel close to those they lost.

For others it is a painful reminder of what happened and is having a daily impact on some members of the community. Some have suggested that some floors of the Tower should be retained for the memorial, others have said that this would be too painful.  

Expert advice 

The Deputy Prime Minister has considered independent expert advice. Engineering advice says that the Tower is significantly damaged.

It remains stable because of the measures put in place to protect it but even with installation of additional props, the condition of the building will continue to worsen over time. Engineers also advise it is not practicable to retain many of the floors of the building in place as part of a memorial that must last in perpetuity.

Taking the engineering advice into account the Deputy Prime Minister concluded that it would not be fair to keep some floors of the building that are significant to some families, whilst not being able to do so for others and knowing that, for some, this would be deeply upsetting. 

How the Tower will be taken down 

The government is committed to taking the next steps respectfully and carefully. There will be continued support for, and engagement with, the community throughout the process. There will be no changes to the Tower before the eighth anniversary.   

In the coming months, the government will confirm the specialist contractor that will develop a detailed plan for taking the Tower down.

The work will be led by technical experts with specific health and safety responsibilities and will include a methodology that includes environmental, health and safety measures and a detailed programme of work.

It will likely take around two years to sensitively take down the Tower through a process of careful and sensitive progressive deconstruction that happens behind the wrapping. 

We continue to support the independent Grenfell Tower Memorial Commission as the community choose a design team to work with them on designing a memorial. The Deputy Prime Minister will ensure that materials from the site, communal areas of the Tower, or parts of the Tower can be carefully removed and returned for inclusion as part of the memorial, if the community wishes. 

Continued commitment for the community  

The department has regularly consulted the Metropolitan Police, HM Coroner and the Grenfell Tower Inquiry to ensure decisions about the site do not interfere with their important work in pursuit of justice and accountability.

The Police and HM Coroner have again recently confirmed they have everything they need.  

The Deputy Prime Minister’s commitment to the community continues. She will ensure bereaved families, survivors and residents continue to have opportunities to speak with her and the Building Safety Minister on issues that matter to them most.


‘Grief is the price we pay for love’

Remembering 9/11 at London ceremony

On September 11th, 2001 families who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks in the USA will mark the 20th anniversary of that fateful day.

This will include a private gathering organized by the September 11 UK families support group (S11UKFSG) at the September 11th memorial garden in Grosvenor Square, London.

The September 11th UK families support group represents relatives of both the 67 British victims and other nationals with strong links to the UK.

The memorial garden (above) is the only UK memorial specially designed in consultation with the bereaved families.

It was created in memory of all those who lost their lives in the atrocity and houses a pergola with the inscription: “Grief is the price we pay for love.”

Service of Remembrance

On Saturday September 11th 2021 families who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks in the USA will mark the 20th anniversary of that fateful day with a special Service of Remembrance for bereaved families.

This private gathering organised by the September 11 UK Families Support Group (S11UKFSG) will take place at the September 11 Memorial Garden in Grosvenor Square, London.

The focus of our commemoration will be the reading of the names by family members and  the laying of white roses on the inscription stone within the Garden. We shall observe a one minutes silence during the service.

Candlelight Memorial

After sunset on September 11th 2021, an installation of 67 LED candles will be lit within the September 11 Memorial Garden in memory of the 67 British victims who perished that day. 

We shall remember the lives of those taken, mourn the beautiful souls no longer with us and celebrate the love they brought into our lives.

The Square will remain open until 8pm.

The memorial garden will be closed to members of the public from 1pm – 5pm on September 11th . Outside these hours the garden is open to the public as usual.

Big Steps for Small Feet walkers reach summit of Ben Nevis

Over the past weekend, Held In Our Hearts joined nine other baby loss charities to participate in the ‘Big Steps for Small Feet’ challenge where 106 walkers climbed to the summit of Ben Nevis to raise awareness and show the world that differences can be made when done collectively.

The Big Steps for Small Feet challenge was originally an idea of Michael McGuire from Fort William, in memory of his son Kyle. This then grew into a vision where several baby loss charities could come together, stand at the top of Ben Nevis, see the sun rise, and stand together in unity, strength, and remembrance.

Whilst battling harsh winds, snow, exhaustion, and treacherous terrain, the walkers successfully made it to the summit of Ben Nevis in the early hours of Sunday morning, June 13th.

Held In Our Hearts Fundraising Manager, and ‘Big Steps for Small Feet’ participant, Tracy Watt, said: “‘It was an experience that will never be forgotten. As all 106 participants climbed the mountain we were all united in looking to make a difference in support of baby loss and raising awareness.

“We knew it was not going to be easy but as the weather and terrain changed and nighttime descended we climbed together in support of one another.

“Walking side-by-side as a team was a complete privilege as we talked about our precious sons and daughters’.

Held In Our Hearts are absolutely delighted to have been a part of such a unique experience, and we give a special thank you to our seven inspirational climbers who made the ascent to the top in support of our bereaved families, and in memory of their precious babies.