Edinburgh welcomes arrival of Summer with Beltane Fire Festival

THOUSANDS of revellers gathered on Calton Hill last night to take part in an ancient Celtic ritual to welcome the arrival of the summer months of the year.

The Beltane Fire Festival has become a cultural staple in Edinburgh and is one of Scotland’s most popular events.

The festival, led by the May Queen and her court, included a spectacular fire show set against the night sky.

Organisers estimate that more than eight thousand people watched the Calton Hill spectacle and, despite the initial ‘cloud-kissed’ beginnings, the sky cleared up beautifully and gave way to an extraordinary and spectacular event!

Copyright Ross Cameron for Beltane Fire Society. All Rights Reserved. www.beltane.org / www.facebook.com/beltanefiresociety

Festival Coordinator Tom Watton said: “It’s such an achievement that so many dedicated volunteers come together to keep this beautiful festival alive. Once again the community and our loyal audiences came together to toast the Earth and mark the turning of the year.”

The modern Beltane Festival has been running since 1988 and is the spring/summer counterpart to the Samhuinn Fire Festival which is held in the city centre on 31 October. The events are ‘modern re-imaginings’ of ancient Celtic festivals to mark the turning seasons.

The Beltane Fire Society is a charity run by volunteers, dedicated to marking the fire festivals of the ancient Celtic calendar and keeping traditional Scottish skills of street theatre, music and pageantry alive.

PICTURES: James Armandry (top) and Ross Cameron

Beltane Fire Festival to ignite the Scottish summer once again 

Edinburgh’s cultural staple, Beltane Fire Festival will be returning to Calton Hill on Sunday 30th April 2023. 

Beltane Fire Festival is a living, breathing re-interpretation and modernisation of an ancient Iron Age Celtic ritual and is the largest of its kind, bringing people from all over the world to join and revel in the birth of Summer and the fertility of the land since 1988. Join us for an immersive Celtic experience, more spectacular and expansive than ever before!

This year’s festival will tell the traditional tales of The Procession of the May Queen and The Death and Re-Birth of The Green Man from a unique and exciting perspective; revellers will be surrounded by fire-play, acrobatics, drummers, dancers, clowns, musicians, actors, puppeteers, artists, poets, crafters, curious and mysterious characters and even cats! 

Edinburgh’s Beltane celebrations are the largest of their kind and have attracted crowds of around 10,000 people from all across the globe. 

Festival Co-ordinator Tom Watton said: “It is an honour to facilitate all of the hard work and dedication of the Beltane volunteers; who over the last ten weeks, have been busy preparing for another spectacular one of a kind fire festival. Come and join us this year as raise the Beltane toast: to the earth our mother and the fire our host!” 

“Join us at the end of the month, celebrate the turning of the wheel, and revel in the beginnings of Summer! “

Tickets for the Beltane Fire Festival are available from Citizen Tickets here. 


Beltane Fire Festival: ‘celebration in it’s purest form’

Edinburgh’s most spectacular local festival returned to Calton Hill at the weekend for the revived tradition of the Beltane Fire Festival. Run by the Beltane Fire Society, celebrating their 30th festival, it was another wild night of revelry, fire-play, interactive physical theatre and thunderous drums. Continue reading Beltane Fire Festival: ‘celebration in it’s purest form’

Beltane Fire Festival events this weekend

Edinburgh’s most spectacular festival returns to Calton Hil this weekend. The Beltane Fire Festival will descend once more upon the centre of Edinburgh for a two days of drums, performance and fire. There’s a Beltane Open Day on Calton Hill this afternoon as a taster for Sunday evening’s spectacular event.

Continue reading Beltane Fire Festival events this weekend

Beltane to spark a celebration of summer


Organisers have released details of how Edinburgh’s world-famous Beltane Fire Festival will mark the coming of summer tonight.

The Beltane Fire Society, the charity of volunteers who run the event on 30 April each year, say the modern take on an ancient celtic festival will be an incredible spectacle. They want everyone – locals and tourists, old hands and those new to the event – to book tickets now and be part of the celebration.

Beltane Fire Festival takes place as the sun sets on the last night of April (gates open 8pm), at Calton Hill. This year hundreds of specialist volunteer performers will welcome in the summer with more than 40 drums; fire dancing, fire sculptures and flame torches; a huge performance of physical theatre on the national monument; a procession of weird and wonderful characters awakening from their winter sleep around the hill; and the lighting of a huge bonfire by the incarnation of summer, the May Queen, and her counterpart the Green Man.

The 2015 Beltane will incorporate new elements too. Performers will be using fire in dramatic ways not seen before, and there will be the international debut of interactive sound and light performance ‘Spark’.

The festival will also include a faerie garden of giant, glowing toadstools and mushrooms made from candle wax reclaimed from Edinburgh’s underground caves. Also this year, the Incorporation of Candlemakers of Edinburgh will take part in the event. The candlemakers were part of Beltane celebrations in the Capital as far back as medieval times.

Lila O’Leary, Festival Secretary of the Beltane Fire Society, said:  “Beltane is a huge community project, kept alive and reinvented every year by hundreds of dedicated volunteers. The night itself is always special, the result of months of hard work, and this year will be particularly impressive. We’re going all out with dazzling fire performances, mysterious characters and stunning costumes. Beltane is something we are really proud of and we want people across Edinburgh – and Scotland – to get tickets, join us on the night and be proud too.”


The modern Beltane Fire Festival has run since 1988 and is the spring and summer counterpart to Samhuinn Fire Festival, which is held in the city centre on 31 October. The events are modern re-imaginings of ancient celtic festivals marking the turning seasons. The Beltane Fire Society is a charity run by volunteers, dedicated to marking the fire festivals of the ancient celtic calendar and keeping traditional Scottish skills of street theatre, music and pageantry alive.

Advance tickets are available via The Hub and www.beltane.org from £10 + booking fee, and at the event gate, subject to availability

Beltane organisers announce Fire Festival details


Organisers of Edinburgh’s world-famous Beltane Fire Festival have announced details of how will mark they plan to mark coming of summer later this month.

The Beltane Fire Society, the charity of volunteers who run the event on 30 April each year, say the modern take on an ancient celtic festival will be an incredible spectacle. They want everyone – locals and tourists, old hands and those new to the event – to book tickets now and be part of the celebration.

Beltane Fire Festival takes place as the sun sets on the last night of April (gates open 8pm), at Calton Hill in the heart of Edinburgh. This year hundreds of specialist volunteer performers will welcome in the summer with more than 40 drums; fire dancing, fire sculptures and flame torches; a huge performance of physical theatre on the national monument; a procession of weird and wonderful characters awakening from their winter sleep around the hill; and the lighting of a huge bonfire by the incarnation of summer, the May Queen, and her counterpart the Green Man.

The 2015 Beltane will incorporate new elements too. Performers will be using fire in their performances in dramatic ways not seen before, and there will be the international debut of interactive sound and light performance ‘Spark’.

The festival will also include a faerie garden of giant, glowing toadstools and mushrooms made from candle wax reclaimed from Edinburgh’s underground caves. Also this year, the Incorporation of Candlemakers of Edinburgh will take part in the event. The candlemakers were part of Beltane celebrations in the Capital as far back as medieval times.

Lila O’Leary, Festival Secretary of the Beltane Fire Society, said:  “Beltane is a huge community project, kept alive and reinvented every year by hundreds of dedicated volunteers. The night itself is always special, the result of months of hard work, and this year will be particularly impressive. We’re going all out with dazzling fire performances, mysterious characters and stunning costumes. Beltane is something we are really proud of and we want people across Edinburgh – and Scotland – to get tickets, join us on the night and be proud too.”

The modern Beltane Fire Festival has run since 1988 and is the spring and summer counterpart to Samhuinn Fire Festival, which is held in the city centre on 31 October. The events are modern re-imaginings of ancient celtic festivals marking the turning seasons. The Beltane Fire Society is a charity run by volunteers, dedicated to marking the fire festivals of the ancient celtic calendar and keeping traditional Scottish skills of street theatre, music and pageantry alive.

Advance tickets are available via The Hub and www.beltane.org from £7.50 + booking fee until 27 April. Some tickets may be available on the night, but as interest in this year’s event is expected to be high, organisers say it’s best to book in advance.