Exciting news from Pilton Community Health Project
We are happy to announce our new Autumn/ Winter #CommuunityWellbeingProgramme , featuring variety of group activities – some brand new and some beloved ones making comeback!
New Programmes:
Climate Cook Club where you can learn more about shopping, preparing and cooking healthy, delicious meals on a budget on a 5-week course
Family Cook Club – where all family can come together, cook together, learn healthy recipes and build lasting memories
Intro to Pilates – for everyone who wants to build the foundation for a strong core muscles, poster and general wellbeing.
Gentle exercise is designed for Every Body and Any Body. You can even practice it, while sitting on a chair.
And our Programmes that have already become classics:
Chat Cafe
Knit & Natter
Men’s wellbeing in Nature
Women Outdoor Cooking Club
Women’ Wellbeing in Nature
Tiny Plates
Also Happy to continue Hosting Drop-ins of our Partner Organizations:
Stuart Dobbin, SNP Councillor for Forth Ward and
Our Community Wellbeing Programme is based on #FiveWaysToWellbeing framework.
We encourage people to #Connect#BeActive#TakeNotice#Learn and #Give .
Our mission is #Equality, #Wellbeing and #Belonging for all in our Community.
Join us in our mission to support and enables local people to take steps to improve their own health and create a healthy community and environment.
West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre