Scottish Government commits £125 million to combat UK austerity

Scottish Ministers are on course to invest over £125 million in 2018-19 to mitigate against the worst impact of UK Government welfare reforms and to protect those on low incomes. Continue reading Scottish Government commits £125 million to combat UK austerity

“A state of denial”: UN Human Rights expert condemns UK Government

‘Poverty is a political choice. Austerity could easily have spared the poor, if the political will had existed to do so’ – Professor Philip Alston Continue reading “A state of denial”: UN Human Rights expert condemns UK Government

Ben Macpherson MSP: UK Government’s unjust budget fails to address Scotland’s needs

SNP MSP Ben Macpherson has criticised the UK Government for failing the people of Edinburgh Northern and Leith, and all of Scotland, following this year’s UK Government Budget announcement. 
Continue reading Ben Macpherson MSP: UK Government’s unjust budget fails to address Scotland’s needs

Analysing the Budget: Short-changed or delivering for Scotland?

The Budget committed £1 billion in extra money for Scotland, maintained the freeze on whisky and fuel duty, and saw a £150 million investment in the Tay City Region Deal. The Chancellor also committed to progress growth deals in Ayrshire, Moray and Borderlands. A good deal for Scotland, then? Aye, right! was the response from Holyrood. Continue reading Analysing the Budget: Short-changed or delivering for Scotland?

Homes for Everyone: Solidarity protest with homeless people

Wednesday 17 January 10am – 11.30am
Abbots House 10 Links Place EH6 7EZ Continue reading Homes for Everyone: Solidarity protest with homeless people

Report sets out ‘”devastating impact” of Westminster’s welfare cuts

Low income families across Scotland will be thousands of pounds a year worse off per year because of welfare cuts imposed by the UK government, a new report has found. The Scottish Government report, ‘the Impact of UK Welfare Policy on Families with Children’, looks at what the policies implemented since 2015 will mean for families. Continue reading Report sets out ‘”devastating impact” of Westminster’s welfare cuts

A lost generation


An alliance of leading independent and third sector service providers has warned that Scotland faces a ‘lost generation’ of children and young people with Additional Support Needs (ASN) if cuts in public services continue, making it extremely challenging for the Scottish Government to close the educational attainment gap. Continue reading A lost generation

I, Daniel Blake: Action Against Austerity event this Saturday


Around 500 activists are planning to take the message of ‘ I, DANIEL  BLAKE‘  from the cinema into our communities and will be calling on the Scottish Government to do everything in their power to eradicate the draconian elements in the UK Welfare provision. Continue reading I, Daniel Blake: Action Against Austerity event this Saturday