General Election hustings looks to put mental health top of the agenda

Three mental health charities will host a General Election hustings event in Edinburgh for a lively discussion on mental health policies with the five main Scottish political parties.

Change Mental Health, Penumbra Mental Health and Health in Mind have all joined forces to organise the hustings event, taking place at the Augustine United Church in Edinburgh on Tuesday 18th June.

Despite mental health being devolved to the Scottish Parliament, all three charities are emphasising that political parties must prioritise and improve mental health.

Nick Ward, CEO of Change Mental Health, said: “We are in the middle of a mental health crisis. Mental health services aren’t getting the funding they need and people aren’t getting the support that they need, when they need it most.

“It’s time for politicians to tell us what they are going to do about this. We need the mental health of our communities to be at the top of the agenda for this election and we need to make sure that the voices of people affected by mental health are heard so that we can build a future where no one faces mental illness alone.”

Mike Burns, Chief Executive of Penumbra Mental Health, said: ““Each of the main political parties will have a chance to outline how they will challenge the inequalities which impact our mental health.

“People in the audience will rightly be looking to candidates for a commitment to creating a society that supports good mental health for everyone.”

Wendy Bates, Chief Executive of Health in Mind, said: ““Over recent years, our mental health has been affected by events locally, nationally, across the UK and globally.

“People accessing our services tell us that they continue to feel the impacts of the Covid pandemic, conflict across the world, the cost of living crisis and the climate crisis. With over one in four of us now dealing with mental health issues, and support services stretched increasingly thin, we need mental health to be at the top of the agenda for our next government.  

“Although health is a devolved matter in Scotland, decisions made in Westminster will have knock-on effects for us here.

“We are delighted to be hosting this hustings together with Change Mental Health and Penumbra Mental Health to open up this vital conversation ahead of next month’s election, hear more about candidates’ commitments, and create space for them to share how they plan to improve our nation’s mental health – which will impact us all both directly and indirectly.”

A recent survey from Change Mental Health’s sister charity, Rethink Mental Illness, found that 4 in 10 people say mental health will be important in shaping their decision on which party to vote for at the General Election on 4th July 2024.

The hustings event on mental health will be an opportunity for people to have their voice heard on improving and prioritising mental health and wellbeing across the country.

Representatives will be available from the SNP, Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and the Greens.

Spokes public meeting: Thursday 29th February

“Edinburgh’s Future Streets policy, and the place of cycling


  • Cllr Scott Arthur  Edinburgh City Transport Convener – the Council’s ‘Future Streets’ plans, the place of cycling and when/how will the policies lead to action
  • Laura Laker  Cycling, transport and environment journalist – to critique the proposals. Laura researches and writes on cycling issues extensively, including in national/international media such as The Guardian and Bloomberg; and in specifically cycling publications such as Cycling Industry News and Road.CC
  • … followed by our one-hour panel QA, chaired by Ewen Maclean, organiser of Blackford Safe Routes – your chance to interrogate and challenge the speakers.


  • Where Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
  • Date Thursday 29 Feb, 2024
  • Time Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat
  • Queries & Questions Queries, or questions for the speakers, can be emailed to, up to a day in advance. However, questions in person from audience members are likely to have greatest priority on the night
  • Online We hope to live broadcast on our youtube channel – details nearer the time on Spokes website. We also intend to make the recording available later.


“A City where you Don’t Need a Car”

Spokes public meeting, Wednesday 24 May


  • Cllr Scott Arthur, Edinburgh City Transport Convener – the Council’s plans
  • Phil Noble, Strategy Manager for Active Travel and Streetspace – more detail on the policy delivery documents, including ATA, the Active Travel Action Plan
  • Adrian Davis, Professor of Transport & Health at Napier Transport Research Unit – he will critique the policies – are they sufficiently ambitious? will they work?
  • … followed by our one-hour panel QA, chaired by Dr Caroline Brown, Spokes member, Transform Scotland policy adviser, transport academic – your chance to interrogate and challenge the speakers


  • Where Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
  • Date Wednesday 24 May
  • Time Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat
  • Queries & Questions Queries, or questions for the speakers, can be emailed to However, questions in person from audience members are likely to have greatest priority on the night
  • Online We hope to live broadcast on our youtube channel – details nearer the time on Spokes website. We also intend to make the recording available a few days later.


Edinburgh City Council is consulting on a new Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) and a series of other Mobility Plan ‘delivery documents’ all aimed to support Edinburgh NetZero 2030, and a 30% reduction in car-km by 2030.

Our public meeting will hear from the Council, followed by an expert critique, and then there’s a full hour panel discussion – your opportunity to challenge the speakers.

Do the delivery plans live up to the Council’s ambition to cut car-km 30% by 2030, alongside greatly increased travel by foot, bike and public transport? Will they enable more people to live car-free? Will they lead to speedy implementation? Our meeting is your opportunity to find out!

The ambition “to create a city where you don’t need to own a car to get around,” mentioned in several of the documents (e.g. Parking Action Plan, p8) is very welcome, for reasons of climate, public health, congestion and equalities. Such an ambition is also essential if the Council is to achieve its ultra-tough target to reduce car-km 30% by 2030.

A top cycling takeaway from the draft ATAP is the new focus on main road segregated routes. It says [chap 5],

The (off road) traffic-free routes will continue to play a vital role, and we will seek to improve their comfort,safety and security. However, we now plan to develop a joined-up network of routes that feel safe to everyone at all times of day. This network will need to use segregated cycle tracks on main roads, as well as unsegregated on-street routes that have low volumes of motor traffic.

The three highlighted phrases above [our emphases] neatly summarise important major developments, which we strongly welcome, in the Council’s approach to cycling policy, and we urge determined implementation.–

** Spokes: