Missing Alice ‘entered water alone’

Police Scotland has issued an update on the search for missing woman Alice Byrne:

Extensive enquiries have been carried out as part of our efforts to trace 28-year-old Alice Byrne, including house to house enquiries, CCTV reviews and detailed searches in the local area.

‘Alice was last seen leaving a friend’s flat in Marlborough Street, Edinburgh, on the morning of Saturday, 1 January, 2022, and walking towards the promenade and beach.

‘Our enquiries have subsequently indicated that Alice entered the water alone on the morning she went missing.

‘Efforts to trace her continue and officers are providing support and updates to Alice’s family.’

In a statement released though Police Scotland, shortly after herdisappearance Alice’s family said: “Alice has been missing for one week now and we are shocked and distressed by her disappearance.

“She always keeps in contact with us so we are extremely worried because we have not heard from her. We are desperate to know where she is.

“If Alice sees this, we want her to know how much we miss her. We just want her home safe and well.”

Missing Woman: Alice Byrne’s family appeals for information

One week on from when she was last seen in Portobello, the family of 28-year-old Alice Byrne yesterday issued an appeal urging anyone with information on her whereabouts to come forward.

Alice’s family said: “Alice has been missing for one week now and we are shocked and distressed by her disappearance. She always keeps in contact with us so we are extremely worried because we have not heard from her. We are desperate to know where she is.

“If Alice sees this, we want her to know how much we miss her. We just want her home safe and well.

“We urge anyone who has seen Alice, or who has any information at all that might help police find her to phone officers and pass on any information you have.

“We are very grateful for the support we have received during this upsetting time. We would like to thank everyone who has shared appeals to find her, the police for their professionalism and especially the local community for all the support they’ve given.”

Alice was last seen leaving a friend’s flat in Marlborough Street between 8am and 10am on Saturday, 1 January and from enquiries to date, officers believe that she potentially headed in the direction of the promenade and beach.

She is described as white, around 5ft 6ins in height and of medium build with short black hair. When she was last seen she was wearing a black top, black jeans ripped at the knees and white trainers.

Chief Inspector Kieran Dougal said yesterday: “It has now been one week since Alice was last seen and since then she has not made any contact with family or friends. As time passes we have become increasingly concerned for her wellbeing and safety.

“Since Alice was reported missing, extensive searches and enquiries have been carried out throughout primarily the Portobello area. These searches are ongoing and we continue to be assisted by specialist police resources including air support, police dogs, search officers and our Marine Unit.

“We continue to appeal to anyone who was in the Portobello area at that time who may have dash cam footage to check devices and call if you have any sightings of Alice. We are aware that the beach and Promenade area was busy on New Year’s morning so appeal to anyone to review photos and call if they have any information that may assist in tracing Alice. Officers have been speaking to local people and visiting local businesses in the area in case anyone remembers seeing Alice in the area.

“Naturally Alice’s friends and family are extremely concerned and we just want to trace her as soon as possible to ensure she is safe. Again, I would urge anyone who has seen Alice since Saturday, 1 January, or who has any information that may be relevant to our investigation to contact us as soon as possible.

“If Alice reads this appeal, please phone your family, friends or the police.”

Any information can be passed to police through 101 with reference 0647 of 2 January.

Alice: the search goes on

Searches are continuing to trace 28-year-old Alice Byrne who was last seen in the Portobello area on Saturday 1 January.

Alice was last seen by her family at her home around 2am on Saturday, 1 January. She met friends in Marlborough Street and left a flat there between 8am and 10am on Saturday morning.

She may have headed towards the promenade area. Police believe the area would have been busy with the public and vehicles and it is requested that people in the area at the time check pictures, videos or dash cam footage that they may have for any sightings of Alice.

Alice is described as white, around 5ft 6ins in height and of medium build with short black hair. When she was last seen she was wearing a, black top, black jeans ripped at the knees and white trainers.

Chief Inspector Kieran Dougal from Craigmillar Police station said: “Alice is known to frequent the Portobello and New Hailes areas of Edinburgh. Since she was reported missing, officers have been carrying out extensive searches and enquiries in these areas.

“Local officers led by specialist search advisors have been assisted by resources including the air support unit, police dogs and our marine unit.

“Officers will continue to speak to people who know her and who live in the local community. Searches are continuing throughout the area and we would also ask local residents to check their outbuildings and sheds, as well as urging anyone with any information on Alice’s whereabouts to get in touch as soon as possible.”

“This is an upsetting time for Alice’s family who are extremely concerned that she has not been in contact with them since Saturday. This is completely out of character for her.

“I would again urge anyone who has seen Alice since Saturday morning, or anyone with information on her whereabouts to contact us as soon as possible. If Alice reads this appeal, I would urge us to phone her family, friends or the Police. Contact 101 quoting reference 0647 of 2 January.”

Concern over missing Portbello woman Alice Byrne: can you help?

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for the assistance of the public in tracing a 28-year-old Alathea Byrne – known as Alice – who is missing from her home in Portobello.

Alice was last seen by her family at her home around 2am on Saturday, 1 January. She met friends in Marlborough Street and left a flat there around 10am on Saturday.

She is described as white, around 5ft 6ins in height and of medium build with short black hair. When she was last seen she was wearing an orange jacket, black top, black jeans and white trainers. She was carrying a black rucksack.

Inspector Keith Scott said: “It is out of character for Alice not to keep in contact with her family and friends. We are becoming increasingly concerned for her wellbeing and we are working to trace her as soon as possible to ensure that she is safe and well.

“Searches and enquiries have been ongoing since she was reported missing, and we are now asking the public for any assistance they can provide.

“I would urge anyone who has seen Alice since Saturday morning, or anyone with information on her whereabouts to contact us as soon as possible.

“I would appeal to Alice herself to contact us if she sees this appeal. Contact 101 quoting reference 0647 of 2 January.”