This one day course offers a unique opportunity to observe animals closely and be able to sketch from real life.
From the feathered to the furry, from the fancy patterned to the plain camouflage and from the massive to the miniscule, you will have a chance to see the personalities of individual animals by their behaviour and be able to capture this in quick sketches or more in-depth drawings.
The professional artist tutor can help with tips, knowledge and techniques on how to develop animal sketches. You will also learn fascinating facts about the animals and the experience will breathe new life and expression into your art as a new challenge to capture these real life moments.
Enjoy a day of being amongst the animals, outdoors or inside a warm enclosure area if the weather is not so good (entry fee included in course fee). Great opportunity to see the Panda bears before they depart later this year.
There are 2 dates:
Sketching Animals in the Zoo – All – (3/3) – OUT18215M (Friday) from 10am-3pm
Sketching Animals in the Zoo – All – (21/3) – OUT18212M (Tuesday) 10am – 3pm
Fees: Standard £23.88 – student or senior citizen or benefits £17.38
To book a place or find out more please ring 0131 556 7978 or online at
Enjoy our one day course in learning how to get the most from your camera.
This course is an introduction to photography and to offer technical and creative skills for each student to progress either as a total beginner or for those who would like to build confidence on skills that students already have.
The emphasis is on fun learning and suited to help students achieve their own goals. The tutor is very experienced and helpful.
The course will look at camera handling, composition, downloading images, file management and simple digital manipulation, within the time constraint of a one day course.
Standard fee £23.88 and reduced/ concession fee is £19.28.
Archaeology & History of Cammo Estate – All – (18/3) – OUT57986M
Cammo Estate was built in 1693 for John Menzies , and the house is considered to be the inspiration for the House of Shaw in Kidnapped written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The grounds are a nature reserve with walled garden, hot walls and a Pinetum. Many visitors are unaware of the history surrounding them as they walk past the ruins.
Archaeologists have uncovered a stash of personal items that used to belong to the housekeeper in the grand lost mansion and lots of interesting stories are being unravelled through further excavation.
This one day course looking at the history and archaeology will offer fascinating insights into the particular site as well as broader guidance about archaeology in general.
Enjoy a fun day out with the very friendly and knowledgeable tutor able to answer queries and generate interest in local history.
The course takes place on Saturday 18th March from 10.30-3.30pm
Standard fees for the day £21.75 and £17.25 for senior citizens, students and benefits.
Cinephiles – why not take advantage of National Cinema Day on 3rd September to see a £3 film and use the savings to sign up for one of the adult education film courses to view, analyse, and learn about films with a very experienced tutor who can offer insights into directors, script writing and context to add to your awareness and enjoyment.
The courses will include viewing clips or short films and time for discussion.
Choose from:
Films of Paul Laverty & Ken Loach
At Queensferry High School Monday evenings 6.30-8.30pm
& Brunstane Primary School Thursday evenings 6.30-8.30pm
Hollywood Greats
At Queensferry Rosebery Hall Monday afternoons 3-5pm
Scotland in Film
At Craigroyston Community High School Friday afternoon 2-4pm
These 10 week courses start from Monday 26th September
One Day outdoor courses in May – some places still remaining:
Friday 20th – Geocaching Introduction.
Using navigational techniques to find, hide and seek containers at specific locations marked by global coordinates. Once you learn the skills you can keep going worldwide and keep having fun. An experienced and friendly tutor can reveal tips and techniques in this course from 10am-3pm.
Saturday 21st – Archaeology of the Cammo Estate.
Learn about the old and more modern archaeology and the digs taking place in this lovely environment. The tutor can answer any queries for a fun day out. Runs from 10am – 3pm.
Sunday 22nd – Photography Workshop at the High Street.
Find little nooks, statues and crannies and discover how to make best use of your camera. The session is from 10am – 3pm.
Very reasonable charges from £16.50-£20.63 for a day of enjoyment, exercise and extraordinary well-being to celebrate mental Health Awareness
For more information and to enrol follow link below:
Learning new things: where and how would you want to do it?
If you were looking to learn something new – whether it’s to get a job, for a hobby or just because you fancy it – where would you want to do it? At home? In a local school or community centre? With a local employer or community group? Online?
We’re working with our Granton Waterfront regeneration partners to find out what people living in the area think about learning – why is learning important to you?
How does it affect you and your life? What you would like to learn about? How do you learn best? What things help you learn? What things make it harder to learn?
Please give us your answers on our online questionnaire:
Adult Education resuming a limited face to face programme – with a few courses starting at Leith Community Centre from 8th November for a 5 week term.
All precautions will be taken with distancing, mask wearing, sanitising and ventilation to Keep students and tutors safe. So the class can get on with being fun, informal and informative!
Courses available are:
Start date
Art(PR): Drawing & Painting – All – (8/11) – LCC12311N
10:00 – 12:00
Yoga: Gentle – All – (9/11) – LCC65852N
17:30 – 19:00
Russian – Beginner – (9/11) – LCC55512N
15:00 – 17:00
Russian – Post Beginner – (9/11) – LCC55752N
18:00 – 20:00
Writing Creative: Life Writing – All – (9/11) – LCC64652N
18:30 – 20:30
Art(PR): Drawing & Painting – All – (10/11) – LCC12313N
10:00 – 12:00
Yoga – All – (10/11) – LCC65753N
17:30 – 19:00
Art(PR): Drawing & Painting – All – (10/11) – LCC12353N
18:00 – 20:00
Discover: Archaeology Today – All – (11/11) – LCC32614N
15:00 – 17:00
Art(PR): Drawing & Painting – All – (12/11) – LCC12315N
You can book on our website: – the courses will be available to view and book from today – Thursday morning.
Telephone enrolments will be available for 2 days on Thursday 21st October and Friday 22nd October this week from 10:00 – 16:00 by calling (0131) 469 3003 or (0131) 469 3005.
Courses will be charged at £41.25 for the standard fee and £16.50 for benefits, senior citizens and students.
We have a few places available in an adult education outdoor art course that will offer some weather protection as it is based at Ocean Terminal, with indoor and outdoor opportunities, great views, lots of ventilation, social distancing and a lovely friendly tutor.
The course is running on 21st and 28th September from 10.30-1.30pm (3 hours each session). Enrolments must be made by Tuesday 14th September so please act quickly and please spread the word.
Fees are £24.75 for the standard fee and £15 for senior citizens, students and people receiving benefits.
It is a great way to ease back into adult education courses (which we hope will be back soon) and will offer an opportunity to have some technique demonstration and support for your creativity to progress, whether a complete beginner or someone who has been sketching for years.
No entry requirements and everyone welcome! The course will be based at Ocean Terminal, with access to an outdoor area as well as an indoor shop floor with plenty of space for social distancing – so you can choose to be outdoors and indoors during the time. The views are excellent and lots of exciting scenarios to sketch.
A chance to sketch outdoors in companionable quiet with as much or as little tutor input as desired, a loose course structure devised to gently stretch your abilities with a suggested (but ultimately optional) focus, technique and/ or medium each week, the opportunity to get peer and tutor feedback (again, if desired) or to just enjoy yourself.
See above. A loose structure with suggested foci and media but lots of choice and flexibility to reflect varied student needs and interests.
Students will be provided with support to develop their own style, through guidance on techniques and feedback from the tutor.
Art students need to provide- a decent quality sketchpad, A3 size, with a minimum paper weight of 90 mcg; sketching pencils of preferred density (2B minimum suggested); bottle of water for wet media; optional watercolours/ watercolour pencils/ oil bar/ dry pastels/ charcoal/ sketching pens/ acrylic paints/ brushes; a sun hat and sun cream or waterproof jacket depending on the forecast comfortable and practical footwear; water bottle; hand sanitiser; a folding camping stool or small cushion for sitting on; snack (optional).
See above for sun hat, sun cream, hand sanitiser, kitchen or toilet roll for tidying up wet materials and spillages. Please sharpen pencils in advance or use pencil sharpeners rather than Stanley knives or other blades to lessen the likelihood of needing the First Aid box!
Just to update you on the CEC Adult Education programme – we are about to launch our first face to face courses in over a year and are very excited to offer up our outdoor courses, starting from 10th May.
The courses will be limited to a maximum of 8 people to make sure the tutor and learners are kept safe and so early booking is recommended. The tutors are friendly, welcoming and will ensure the courses boost skills for lifelong enjoyment, as well as being safe and fun.
There is an added bonus of being outdoors because growing research is showing a real benefit of being out in nature, for mental and physical wellbeing.
In addition, birdsong is now considered to be one of the biggest factors in focusing the mind and stopping stressful anxiety. There is a link to hearing birdsong and feeling connected to nature as well as a sense of safety because the birds are all around (and would fly off in times of danger).
Our fees are available at standard rate, concession for students and senior citizens and reduced for people receiving benefits.
Just book online. If you’d like more information, feel free to email:
Hope you are settled back in after Christmas and New Year. Our adult education courses are starting back next week and am taking this opportunity to highlight some wellbeing opportunities that you might be able to share in your networks.
Tuesdays 12.30-1.30pm Pilates Post Beginner – suitable for people working from home in need of some toning exercise as well! Designed for those working from home, but anyone in need of some mid-day exercise can join.
Pilates is a movement/exercise system designed to build dynamic strength and increase your flexibility, stability and mobility. It is a way of re-educating and re-patterning your mind-body by becoming aware of your movements and connecting with your deeper muscles.
The Pilates Method improves your overall functioning and health – not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. It is both gentle and challenging, focusing on moving easily, efficiently and pain-free. This course will focus on these elements, providing you with a gentle but strengthening workout.
Wednesdays 10.30-12 noon for Beginner Mindfulness to help relax MINDFULNESS (awareness of the present moment) is taught through cultivating Meditation skills which include bringing a kind attention to the breath and body during stillness and movement in a curious non-judgemental way, noticing what is going on in your body, your mind and in the world around you.
HOW THE COURSE WILL BE TAUGHT: Experience of guided practices (Tutor Led) including sitting Meditation, bodyscan and Mindful movement. Encouraged to engage in daily home practice of short (15-20 minutes) meditations to gain the most benefit. Discussion – reflection of experience of home practices. Support and guidance in applying Mindfulness to everyday activities. Short readings and poems.
Thursdays 16.30-17.00 for Health Meditation and Breathing
Is lockdown taking a toll on you? Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, depressed or exhausted? Do you find difficult to focus, relax or even sleep? Are your emotions like a roller coaster lately?
This course will help you navigate the current uncertain times and discover there are actually easy, effective and pleasant ways of managing these emotional states.
Fridays 10.45am-11.15 plus YouTube video Tai Chi Beginners (new class being added because other beginner class full) Beginners Course: Is to introduce you to Yang Style Tai-Chi Chuan.
This will cover the fundamental aims and principles of Tai-Chi Chuan, including an introduction to the philosophy underpinning this. Additionally, we will learn some warm up exercise routines, that will enable, through practice, to establish a foundation and develop agile movements to relax and soften muscles and tissue. This brings movement into areas of the body, where tension and stiffness may already exist. email if interested
Fridays 12.20-13.30 Mindbody Stretching
Stiff, tense or stressed? Increase your flexibility/mobility in a PLEASANT painless way, prevent muscle/joint soreness and release tension from your body and mind.
Deep and relaxing stretching system, focused on improving flexibility/mobility for the long term, that will help you reduce stress and calm the mind.
Costs can be found by clicking on the link but roughly the cost for the standard fee is £31.40 and £15.75 for students, senior citizens or people receiving benefits, for an 8 week term.
Thank you for anything you can do to spread the word – there are also many other courses on the website but hopefully these courses might be a good fit for local groups or individuals you know.