Spartans Breastfeeding Cafe is open

Local mum Becky Smith cut a cake to officially open the new Spartans Breastfeeding Café earlier today.  Becky and her two-year old son James were joined by Spartans’ development manager Dougie Samuel and a happy team of NHS Lothian professionals to mark the occasion.

The Spartans breast-feeding café is a friendly, informal setting where mums who are breastfeeding – or pregnant women – can drop in for a chat about breastfeeding with local health visitors and midwives.  And as well as being a great place for advice, support, encouragement and information, it’s also a great place to meet other mums who are breastfeeding – and tea and coffee is free!

Any breastfeeding, even for a short time, is beneficial for you and your baby. Having good information about breastfeeding, plus support and advice, will help you – and your baby – get off to a good start and will help you to keep going.  

Welcoming the new café, NHS Lothian’s Katy Ruggeri, clinical manager for Midwifery Services, said: “It seems such a long time ago that we first talked about the need for a local breastfeeding support group, how we could set one up and how to move things on. I’m delighted that, with the tremendous support of Spartans, we have been able to secure this venue. It’s really great to see the community working hand in hand with NHS Lothian and it’s a credit to everyone who has been involved. I hope the project grows and grows and I’m really looking forward to coming back to see how the project is developing.”

 Spartans’ Dougie Samuel said: “Since we’ve been established here we’ve always tried to ensure that Spartans would be at the heart of the community so we are delighted to welcome the breastfeeding café to Spartans. This initiative follows on from the Spartans Smilers project we undertook with Cathy (Wood, North West Local Health Partnership public health practitioner) and her NHS Lothian colleagues and we hope it will be just as successful.”

Mum Becky Smith added: “I think this is a great idea and the area definitely needs something like this. It’s good to have this advice available locally without having to go to a clinic or surgery and it will be a good place to meet other local mums as well.”

Spartans Breastfeeding Café takes place every Monday from 12.15 to 1.45pm at Spartans Community Football Academy off Pilton Drive. For further information, contact your local midwife or health visitor or just drop in to Spartans Breastfeeding Café.

Sun comes out for Victoria's fun day


Scotland rugby legend Gavin Hastings joined in the fun and games when he formally opened  Royal Victoria Hospital’s Open Day yesterday – and after days of miserable weather the sun was a very welcome visitor too!

The Open Day was a final opportunity to have a look round the old hospital on Craigleith Road – services are transferred to a new state-of-the-art Royal Victoria Building at the nearby Western General Hospital next month.

There was a fascinating photo and exhibits display inside the hospital while out in the grounds there was a magician, disco, football, stalls, bouncy castle, face painting and even some birds of prey.

If you missed yesterday’s event, don’t despair – there will be another one at the new Royal Victoria Building at the Western in a fortnight’s time! It’s a chance to see the magnificent new facilities there – can’t promise any sunshine, though!

Sun comes out for Victoria’s fun day


Scotland rugby legend Gavin Hastings joined in the fun and games when he formally opened  Royal Victoria Hospital’s Open Day yesterday – and after days of miserable weather the sun was a very welcome visitor too!

The Open Day was a final opportunity to have a look round the old hospital on Craigleith Road – services are transferred to a new state-of-the-art Royal Victoria Building at the nearby Western General Hospital next month.

There was a fascinating photo and exhibits display inside the hospital while out in the grounds there was a magician, disco, football, stalls, bouncy castle, face painting and even some birds of prey.

If you missed yesterday’s event, don’t despair – there will be another one at the new Royal Victoria Building at the Western in a fortnight’s time! It’s a chance to see the magnificent new facilities there – can’t promise any sunshine, though!

D-Day for local football clubs

Today is D-Day for two local football clubs, Spartans can win the East of Scotland Football Association Premier League if they can get get a victory when they visit Stirling University later today. However, Stirling Uni are also chasing the Premier Title and they need to take six points from their remaining two games. Its a different story for Leith Athletic who play in the same league but find themselves in a dog-fight at the bottom of the table and they visit Lothian Thistle at Saughton Enclosure today and Leith need a point from todays game to ensure they will be  playing in the Premier League next week.

Check back on the NEN Blog later today to find out how both our local teams got on, we wish them both well.

WIG to tackle housing issues at public meeting

Women’s International Group (WIG) is holding a public meeting to discuss housing issues next Thursday evening (17 May) at 6.15pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. All welcome. 
A spokesperson for WIG said: “A number of housing officials, local councillors and reps from the Tenants Federation will be in attendance to respond to questions/issues from the floor.  One of the aims of the meeting is to raise awareness about some of the changes which are going to affect  local people currently claiming benefits (e.g. the bedroom tax/under occupancy penalty which will result in any working household with an extra bedroom losing part of their housing benefit; and the benefit cap  which will be deducted via people’s housing benefit and universal credit. These are important issues and we hope to see a lot of people attend the meeting”.
The Women’s International Group (WIG) was established at a succesful event organised to celebrate International Women’s Day in March (pictured below).

Grassroots Gala gathers pace

There’s a lot to be done, but organisers of this summer’s Community Fun Day at West Pilton Park remain on-course to make it a day to remember.

Group member Sean Gardiner told NEN:  “We have now submitted all our applications for funding, the park and the neighbourhood centre and we are still recruiting volunteers. We’re also looking for traders to book stalls and we ask anyone who wishes to contact us to use We are also still looking for any pictures taken by the public of  previous gala days.”

You can keep up to date with the group’s activities through their website at

Food for Thought …

Pilton Community Health Project’s ANITA AGGARWAL tells us about North Edinburgh’s new food forum … and rhubarb!

‘Food for thought’ – Pilton’s community food forum 

It’s a winner of a name and an idea that is starting to bear fruit. The newly established community food forum is now called ‘food for thought’.  John Muir, who works at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre, won the competition to name the group and a shiny new recipe book.  We had plenty of other good entries, we thought this one summed up our ideas best.

Lots of people have told us they are interested in food and either want the chance to get involved with food projects or are already involved.  The food forum aims to link up work which is already going on and work together to make more ‘foody’ things happen in the area.

At the next meeting we will be planning food events in the summer.  Come along if you are interested in getting involved.  It will take place on Thursday 24 May at 10am at Pilton Community Health Project.  Call Anita on 0131 551 1671 for more information or to book a crèche space.

Watch out for more information from the food for thought forum. 

Food things for you to get involved with:

Mondays for 6 weeks from 1 May 7 – 9pm Mexican Cooking course Craigroyston High School  538 7285

Every Tuesday, 10 -12     Barri Grubb’s cooking club Pilton Community Health Project  551 1671

Every Tuesday, 10.30      Granton Community Gardeners  Meet at Salvation Army.

Every Tuesday, 10 – 12    Food co-op West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre  551 3194


Food blog Drylaw cooking group

Community Cafes – North Edinburgh Arts, Royston Wardieburn and Muirhouse Millennium Centre.

Rhubarb Recipe

We have still got a way to go before there are lots of good fruit and vegetables growing in Scotland, but I have a friend who lives in Granton who is eating rhubarb from his garden already, so here is a lovely rhubarb recipe from the Love food, hate waste Scotland website

Rhubarb, Apple and Orange Compote

Serve this compote for a delicious breakfast with yoghurt and a bowl of muesli. This recipe also works well with pears instead of apples. Recipe author: Caroline Marson, Banbury.

Serves: 4


  • 250g rhubarb, sliced
  • 1-2 apples peeled , cored and bruises cut away, cut into cubes
  • 50ml orange juice
  • 25g caster sugar
  • Yoghurt


  1. Combine the rhubarb, apples, orange juice and sugar in a pan. Bring to the boil over a medium heat. Reduce heat, and simmer for 3 minutes or until fruit is tender.
  2. Remove from heat and cool. Serve spooned over muesli with fruit juice and yogurt.

Gardening tips – Rhubarb grows like a weed in Scotland; you don’t even need to look after it and it is happy in a shady corner.

Healthy fact – It’s a great source of fibre, but don’t eat too much as it acts as a laxative!

Strange but true Rhubarb is the only vegetable used as a fruit.