The year in pictures: September

Hurricane Irma devastates the Carribean

New gardening group at Granton Youth Centre

Strictly Come Dancing lineup announced

Cheese and wine at Starbank Park

Glowing Gold in September

Community Day in Granton

Inverleith Festival of Walking & Cycling

Davidsons Mains pipe band make a record

ParkLife AGM

Wardie Bay Beachwatch

Dearie me …

The MELA’S back after an enforced absence

Immigration Party at Porty

Aussie Big Band at Bristo Baptist Church

66 Yessers on the march again: Hope Over Fear event in Glasgow

USA and North Korea: more sabre-rattling

North Korea escalates nuclear threat

Traffic misery on Leith Street

Open Day at Fettes HQ

Queensferry Crossing opens

Bus driver miscalculates at Western General

Curry Night at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Ryanair messes up big time over holiday rosters … and there’s even an apology!

Rohingyan families flee persecution in Myanmar

The year in pictures: August

Las Ramblas terror attack in Barcelona

Cash for Kids support for Pilton Youth & Children’s Project

Actor Robert Hardy dies

Hearts sack first team coach Ian Cathro

Yes, it’s Festival time again in Edinburgh

Botanics’ smelly plant makes annual reappearance

Twentieth anniversary of Princess Diana’s death

Community is outraged when a ten year old boy is mown down by a hit and run motorcyclist near Drylaw Police Station

Free football at West Pilton Park

North Korea and USA engage in another bout of sabre-rattling … but on a nuclear scale

Fortieth anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death

Edinburgh Mela’s back!

Racial tensions run high during white supremacist march, Charlotttesville

Dementia awareness event at The Botanics

Bruce Forsyth dies

Craig Levein lands Hearts job

Sierra Leone mudslide kills hundreds and leaves tens of thousands homeless

Mayweather stops Conor McGregor in tenth round of multi-million dollar ‘Fight of the Century’

Kezia Dugdale resigns as Scottish Labour leader

Trinity Community Gala

World of Football opens on Marine Drive

The year in pictures: July

A well-kent face opens new GP surgery at foot of Leith Walk

Community BBQ

Hidden Gems Walks make a welcome return

Sci-Fi Fun at West Piltun!

Charlie Gard’s parents give up their fight

Conservatives reach an expensive deal with DUP

Teddy Bear Picnic at Starbank Park

Spartans support CHAS

Social Bite waterfront housing plans take shape

Jumble and Bake sale at Royston Wardieburn

World Para Athletics Championships take place in London

Floral Clock marks The Scotsman’s centenary

Granton kids take their movies to Europe

First Minister visits Botanics

Playday in Muirhouse

Duvet Morning in Ferry Road Drive

Edinburgh Airport plans to expand


New Year, new training programme with Tomorrow’s People

Tomorrow’s People are now recruiting for the next Engage programme starting on the 15th of January!!!!

If you are or know anyone, 16 to 24 years old looking for a job, training, fun and an extra bit of cash, contact us by Facebook, phone 07980 669 019 or email jmassie@tomorrows-people


Simaica Carrasco
Engage Coach, Tomorrow’s People 
Office +44(0)1313 432 191
Mobile +44(0)7500 047 926

Two plead guilty to Ferry Road motorbike collision

Two local men who were involved in a serious road traffic collision which resulted in a 10-year-old boy being seriously injured have pled guilty to charges. They will be sentenced at a later date. Continue reading Two plead guilty to Ferry Road motorbike collision