West Pilton West Granton CC meets tonight


West Pilton West Granton Community Council meets tonight in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre at 7pm. All welcome.

See below for the roles and responsibilities of Community Councils, he draft minutes from the last meeting and the agenda for tonight’s meeting.
Barbara Robertson



Side by Side? Labour councillors to host community event


Housing and care services are in crisis. Can local community co-operatives help to meet local needs?

These are questions for a ‘radical’ new community project in Edinburgh Northern and Leith. Side by Side aims to explore how we can learn from each other and work together to create positive practical change in our local neighbourhood.

Housing, environment and care of the young and elderly were the top concerns to emerge from two community Open Space events in the last 12 months.  The first event identified the needs; the second came up with bold ideas to fill gaps in local services – including housing and childcare co-operatives

Now Side by Side aims to take the next step with The Gathering, at Norton Park Conference Centre on Saturday 3 December.  And this time the event will start by celebrating the successes and achievements of local groups who are already changing lives.     

‘Through our events we discovered fantastic creative enterprises in Edinburgh Northern and Leith,’ says Fay Young, one of the organisers, ‘But not everyone knows about them. We hope to learn from each other to build on what is here already and generate new ideas to enhance quality of life in our area.’  

Keynote speaker Josh Littlejohn, co-founder of Social Bite, will set the tone of an event which seeks to ‘share best practice and build on local achievements’. A panel of experts from Pilton Community Health Project, Port of Leith Housing Association, Shrub Swap and Reuse Hub and North Edinburgh Childcare will also provide first hand accounts of successful community enterprises and projects.

Workshop discussions and outcomes will be led and decided by the audience and facilitated by Judith Chivers. Proposals put forward by The Gathering will contribute to a community manifesto for our neighbourhood in time for the local authority elections in May 2017. 

Side by Side has grown from two Open Space community discussion events hosted by Councillor Lesley Hinds, in December 2015 and April 2016.  Local organisations and residents were invited to explore how we might make use of new powers coming to the Scottish Parliament to improve life in our part of Edinburgh. 

Councillor Hinds who is standing down after 33 years on City of Edinburgh Council said ‘I promised to turn words into action and that is what The Gathering aims to do. My colleagues will ensure this is taken forward”.

Side by Side is a community project open to all. The Gathering will be introduced and hosted by Labour Councillors for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, and is supported by Leith Open Space, an intercultural community discussion group formed in 2005.

Edinburgh based Selah Corbin, a cinematic songwriter and multi-instrumentalist whose work has been likened to “paintings that come alive”   will provide the music and a light lunch of delicious food from Punjabi Junction will be served.

To take part, book now on   Eventbrite   https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/side-by-side-edinburgh-northern-and-leith-gathering-tickets-28336222404?aff=es2

and follow Facebook.com/SBSGathering   and   http://www.edinburghlabournorthernandleith.org.uk/ for updates.

For further information please contact Marion Donaldson councillormariondonaldson@gmail.com

West Pilton West Granton: your community needs YOU!

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Please get your application to be a Community Councillor form in to our Returning Officer, Councillor Vicki Redpath immediately!!
A nomination form is attached (see below)
You have to get it signed by 2 other residents who propose and second your nomination.
Please send the completed form to Vicki. Her email address is below but your form has to be actually signed.
Either give it to her directly or leave your form at the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre early on Monday where I will pick it up and deliver it to Vicki.
Vicki is on 0131 529 3262 or vicki.redpath@edinburgh.gov.uk
Vicki will leave some blank forms at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre at about 11 o’ clock this morning. Forms can be filled in and then left at Muirhouse Library for her to collect when she does her surgery on Monday at 6pm.
Please tell anyone else you know would be interested in becoming a Community Councillor. We only have till Monday night to get nominations in!
Please make this a priority, we need you!!
Barbara Robertson

Last meeting before elections for West Pilton West Granton

Dear All,
Please find attached the agenda for the next meeting which will be on Tuesday 6th September in the Neighbourhood Centre. At this meeting you will be able to pick up  nomination papers for election for the Community Council for the next cycle.
See you there,

Your community needs YOU! – be part of something great!

Community Council nominations open on Monday

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Nominations for Edinburgh’s community councils open on Monday (5 September) and the city council is calling on people passionate about their area to play an active role and be part of something great! Continue reading Your community needs YOU! – be part of something great!