Liz Truss leaves without saying sorry

Liz Truss has given her final speech as Prime Minister on the steps of Downing Street:

It has been a huge honour to be Prime Minister of this great country.

In particular, to lead the nation in mourning the death of Her Late Majesty The Queen after 70 years of service,

and welcoming the accession of His Majesty King Charles III.

In just a short period, this government has acted urgently and decisively on the side of hardworking families and businesses.

We reversed the National Insurance increase.

We helped millions of households with their energy bills and helped thousands of businesses avoid bankruptcy.

We are taking back our energy independence…

…so we are never again beholden to global market fluctuations or malign foreign powers.

From my time as Prime Minister, I am more convinced than ever we need to be bold and confront the challenges that we face.

As the Roman philosopher Seneca wrote: “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”

We simply cannot afford to be a low growth country where the government takes up an increasing share of our national wealth…

and where there are huge divides between different parts of our country.

We need to take advantage of our Brexit freedoms to do things differently.

This means delivering more freedom for our own citizens and restoring power in democratic institutions.

It means lower taxes, so people keep more of the money they earn.

It means delivering growth that will lead to more job security, higher wages and greater opportunities for our children and grandchildren.

Democracies must be able to deliver for their own people…

We must be able to outcompete autocratic regimes, where power lies in the hands of a few.

And now more than ever we must support Ukraine in their brave fight against Putin’s aggression.

Ukraine must prevail.

And we must continue to strengthen our nation’s defences.

That is what I have been striving to achieve… and I wish Rishi Sunak every success, for the good of our country.

I want to thank Hugh, Frances, Liberty, my family and friends, and all the team at No10 for their love, friendship and support.

I also want to thank my protection team.

I look forward to spending more time in my constituency, and continuing to serve South West Norfolk from the backbenches.

Our country continues to battle through a storm.

But I believe in Britain.

I believe in the British people.

And I know that brighter days lie ahead.

Connect Four Open House at former Scottish Gas HQ

10:00am – 3:00pm on Thursday 24 November

People Know How and Edinburgh Palette are delighted to present the Connect Four space, a space for cross-sectoral collaboration and social innovation that is now open to new tenant enquiries from any groups or organisations looking for office space.

On Thursday 24 November, we’re opening our doors to the public for our Connect Four Open House at 1 Waterfront Avenue. All are welcome to come and get a first look at the space, from prospective tenants looking to lease desk space to those interested in learning more about the Connect Four ethos.

Located in the heart of North Edinburgh’s evolving Waterfront area, this beautiful bright space has views across the city skyline and the Firth of Forth and boasts a broad range of amenities including access to a café, bookable meeting space, break-out spaces, and more. 

Within this space we aim to connect four by bringing organisations and groups together across the four sectors (third, public, academic and business). By working alongside one another, we will create an environment that is conducive to social innovation through new collaborations, opportunities and ideas that can solve social issues across Scotland.

Office Manager Alex Derbyshire said: “We’re very excited to welcome new tenants to this beautiful space and are looking forward to sharing more information about the space and our Connect Four ethos during our open house.”

Our Eventbrite is now live for you to book your free ticket.

The space will be open to visitors between 10:00am and 3:00pm, with a special session about Connect Four taking place at 10:30am. 

Book your free ticket: 

Armed Services join forces to launch Scottish Poppy Appeal 

Service personnel past and present launched this year’s Scottish Poppy Appeal at a ceremony in Edinburgh yesterday (MONDAY 24th OCT).

The sacrifices made by the Armed Forces community were honoured at the official opening of the Edinburgh Garden and Field of Remembrance, which also marked the start of the annual Appeal.

Senior members of all three Armed Services, Brigadier Andy Muddiman, Lieutenant Colonel Lorne Ian Campbell, and Air Vice Marshal Ross Paterson joined forces for the launch, highlighting the importance of the remembrance period and outlining why wearing a poppy remains vital.

Lt Col Campbell, Commander of Edinburgh Garrison, said: “Throughout my career at this time of year I have paused to reflect on the enormous sacrifices made by those who have gone before.

“I think of those fellow soldiers I have served with who have done their duty by their country in the heat and cold, wet and dry, 24 hours a day and seven days a week at peace, on operations and at war to protect the nation and defend our way of life.

“I have been reassured by the quite outstanding work conducted over the many years by Poppyscotland in support of those who have needed, and in many cases still do, help to overcome challenges that some face once they hang up their uniforms for the last time.”

Brigadier Muddiman, Royal Marines, Naval Regional Commander Scotland & Northern Ireland added: “Sacrifice is something that should always be acknowledged and the Remembrance period is when we collectively as a nation remember those service personnel who gave their lives in order to ensure our way of life continues.

“It’s gratifying to see people wearing the poppy because it shows that people do care and that they are happy to outwardly display that. It reminds everyone that we have entered that period when we should be remembering those souls who did not return from battlefield and acknowledging that our country retains the freedom it has as a result of that sacrifice.”

Three million poppies are being distributed throughout Scotland as part of the country’s largest fundraising appeal, supporting Poppyscotland’s welfare and advice services. The charity’s army of thousands of volunteers are hitting the streets, as well as collecting in supermarkets and delivering poppies to shops, businesses and schools.

Austin Hardie, Director of Poppyscotland, said: “This is a chance to recognise the extraordinary service our Armed Forces offer to the country, and how they risk everything to protect each one of us, despite never having met us.

“Wearing your poppy shows serving personnel, veterans and their families, their service and sacrifice means something to you and will never be forgotten. All funds raised will go to support our life-changing work, providing advice and welfare support to the Armed Forces community in Scotland.

“This is needed more than ever, as we are seeing an increasing demand for our services due to the cost-of-living crisis.”

The service of remembrance was led by Reverend Dr Karen Campbell, National Padre of the Royal British Legion Scotland, before a wreath-laying ceremony which included The Right Honourable Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Robert Aldridge, and Keith Brown MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans.

The Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland provided music, as well as piper Angus Adams from George Heriot’s School.

Dr Claire Armstrong, Chief Executive of Legion Scotland added: “From the First World War to more recent conflicts, it is essential that we continue to honour and remember those who gave their lives for our country. Today’s ceremony is an opportunity to come together and show our gratitude to all who have served over the years.

“I hope that residents and visitors to Edinburgh will take the chance to visit the garden over the next few weeks to reflect and pay their own tributes.”

People can find out more and support the Scottish Poppy Appeal at

Differences in Car Insurance Premiums Mapped Out Across the UK

The amount drivers pay to insure their cars varies widely depending on where in the country they live, new data has revealed.

The average car insurance premiums paid by drivers, show massive regional differences according to newly released data from insurance comparison platform

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Motorists in London are forking out considerably more than drivers in other parts of the UK, with average premiums in the capital nudging close to £800.

Some motorists may be tempted to move to the South West of England where average premiums are little more than half those in London at just over £400 a year.

Across the UK as a whole drivers paid an average of £548.52 for their annual motor insurance policy. 

But regions comprising large rural spaces generally enjoy lower premiums than those that include large cities and urban areas where road accidents and car thefts are statistically more likely to occur.

Drivers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all paid less than the UK average at just £500 a year for their car insurance.

Conversely, motorists in regions such as the North West and West Midlands, which are largely made up of highly populated urban areas, both paid more than £630 a year on average.

As well as the likelihood of accidents and thefts, cities and densely populated urban areas generally have a younger population which is also a factor contributing to higher average car insurance premiums.

The average vehicle value can also be higher in big cities, pushing average premiums up even more, this is particularly true in the capital. crunched the numbers on a sample of over 1,000,000 policies, naming London as the most expensive place in the UK to insure a vehicle, with drivers paying £781.01 on average.

The North West of England was the second most expensive place to insure a car with an average premium of £634.36.

The West Midlands region was revealed to be the third most expensive part of the UK for car insurance with an average premium of £630.42, just slightly less than that of the North West.

Drivers in Yorkshire, with its mix of urban and rural landscapes, paid an average premium of £592.27, while those in the North East paid £545.29.

The East Midlands region commanded insurance premiums considerably cheaper than those down the road in the West Midlands with an average premium in the East Midlands being just £538.93.

Perhaps surprisingly, the South East of England region offers motorists good value once those living in London have been factored out, with the average premiums here being just £498.25.

Welsh drivers paid only £493.30 on average while motorists in Northern Ireland enjoyed even better value, paying just £492.39.

Drivers in East Anglia also enjoyed cheaper premiums at just £489.62 on average, while north of the border motorists in Scotland paid even less, at £463.53 on average.

Finally, those car owners in the South West of England, including the rural counties of Devon and Cornwall, enjoyed the best value car insurance in the UK with average premiums of only £422.88. founder Greg Wilson said: “When it comes to paying for car insurance there are huge variations depending on where in the country drivers live.

“Insurance companies are very specific and can vary the cost of a policy depending on which postcode the driver lives in but by zooming out a little we can see there are some interesting regional differences as a whole.

“Motorists in big cities tend to pay more and this is particularly true in London. With a greater population density, there are more cars on the road and the likelihood of a prang does increase.

“But there are also other factors at play including the local crime rate, the average age of drivers and the value of the vehicles they are insuring.

“So while the data may tempt some drivers to up sticks and move down to Cornwall, they should be warned that the cost of their premium won’t necessarily decline. There are several other factors insurance providers must consider and each premium is calculated on an individual basis for the person in question.

“It is essential for all motorists to accurately inform their insurance company of their home address as well as any other location where their vehicle is likely to spend more than 30 days. Failing to do so may cause their policy to be invalid if they were to make a claim.”

The data is available at and our comparison site can help keep insurance quotes competitive.  

Haunted hotspots for a budget Halloween

Cash strapped fans of the spooky season are being given advice on the haunted hotspots to visit this Halloween on a budget.

The frugal team at have looked at the places ghost hunters can visit for free this spooky season.

Among the creepy gems are Pendle Hill in Lancashire, the village of Pluckley in Kent and Bodmin Moor in Cornwall.

Other spooky destinations to explore include Wistman’s Wood in Dartmoor, Cannock Chase in Birmingham and Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh.

Frugal expert Rebecca Bebbington said: “ We love Halloween but if you’re on a budget finding a haunted destination to explore without spending a fortune can be tricky.

“We’ve come up with ten haunted hotspots to explore without spending a fortune and ones with some great creepy tales to tell.

“Just remember not to scare yourself too – and sleep with the light on!”

Here are’s ten haunted hotspots on a budget:

Pendle Hill, Lancashire
Pendle Hill is home to the Pendle Witches. They were tried and executed for witchcraft in 1612. Ghost hunters often climb the hill around Halloween to catch any spooking comings and goings.

Pluckley, Kent
Pluckley is one of the most haunted villages in the UK. Between 12 – 14 ghosts are thought to haunt the village including the screaming man, the highwayman, the elderly woman and the school master. Look out for the highway man who appears as a shadowy figure and the schoolmaster who can be seen in his favourite old coat and stripy trousers.

Blickling Hall, Norfolk
The spooky hall is thought to be haunted by the headless ghost of Anne Boleyn who returns on the anniversary of her execution every May. Roam the grounds and nearby villages and you may spot the ghost of her father, Sir Thomas.

Manningtree, Essex
Witchfinder General Matthew Hopkins lived in Manningtree in the 1600s. His witch hunting led to the deaths of hundreds of women in East Anglia’s witch trials. There have been sightings in the neighbouring village of Mistley next to the pond where he drowned innocent people.

Mary King’s Close, Edinburgh
Mary King’s Close is thought to be one of the most haunted places in Scotland. During the plague in 1645, it’s believed half of Edinburgh’s residents died. The disease was bad in the close due to the poor sanitation and cramped tenements. The most famous ghost to haunt the area is a ten year old called Annie who died during the epidemic.

Wistman’s Wood, Dartmoor
According to legend, Wistman’s Wood was a sacred grove of the Druid’s where they held pagan rituals. It’s also said to be where the Wisht Hounds are kept. These are fearful hounds who hunt the moor at night in search of lost souls and unwary travellers.

The Ten Bells, London
This is Jack the Ripper’s local pub and two of his victims are linked to it. Annie Chapman spent her last evening there before her murder in 1888 and Mary Kelly was outside the pub. It’s claimed the place is haunted by Annie Chapman.

Glencoe National Reserve, Scotland
Glencoe is home to the Glencoe Massacre of 1692. The story goes that a troop of soldiers, following government orders, were invited to the home of the Clan of Macdonald posing as visitors. During the night they slit the throats of their hosts. Legend says some members of the clan fled to the wood where they still remain.

Cannock Chase, Birmingham
This spooky woodland is said to be haunted by a girl with coal black holes for eye sockets. Sightings describe a young girl crying but when those who see her approach the eerie figure, she turns to show her eyes then runs away.

Bodmin Moor, Cornwall
Bodmin Moor is packed with creepy myths and legends. The Beast of Bodmin Moor, a big panther-like cat, has been seen numerous times and is said to scavenge livestock during the night.

Self Assessment: 100 days to go

Tick Tock! 100 days left on the Self Assessment clock!

With 100 days to go until the deadline for online returns, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding Self Assessment customers that the countdown to complete their tax return has begun.

Self Assessment customers have until 31 January 2023 to submit their online return for the 2021 to 2022 tax year.

More than 66,000 taxpayers beat the clock and filed their tax return on 6 April – the first day of the new tax year. HMRC is encouraging others to complete their return as soon as they can, so they know what they owe and can budget to make the payment by 31 January 2023. This also means that if a repayment is due, it can be claimed back sooner.

More information about Self Assessment can be found on GOV.UK.

Completing a tax return using HMRC’s online filing service is simple and convenient. Last year, more than 95% of customers filed online with many choosing to start it, save their progress and go back to it as many times as they need before it’s ready to submit. Those who submit their returns early still have until 31 January 2023 to pay.

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “With 100 days to go until the online deadline, there’s still time to complete your tax return, to budget and look into the range of payment options if you need to.

“Help and support is available online to help customers with their tax returns. Just search ‘Self Assessment’ on GOV.UK to find out more and get started today.”

Filing early also means they will have plenty of time to access the number of payment options available including:

  • paying via the free and secure HMRC App
  • setting up an online monthly payment plan (self-serve Time to Pay)
  • paying through PAYE tax code (subject to eligibility) 
  • payment on account

Those who are unable to pay their tax bill in full can access the support and advice that’s available on GOV.UK. HMRC may be able to help by arranging an affordable payment plan.

HMRC has updated their Self Assessment guide to help customers complete their tax return. The guide contains helpful information including:

·         what help and support is available when completing their Self Assessment

·         what documents they need before they start

·         what earnings they need to declare including funds received through COVID support schemes

·         help with paying their tax bill and what to do if they have overpaid and are due a refund

All Self Assessment customers need to be aware of the risk of scams and HMRC is reminding them never to share their login details. Someone using them could steal from the customer or make a fraudulent claim in their name. Check HMRC’s advice about scams on GOV.UK

Anyone can check if they need to complete a tax return by using the free online tool on GOV.UK.

Those new to Self Assessment for the 2021 to 2022 tax year may include:

  • those who are newly self-employed and earned more than £1,000
  • a new partner in a business partnership
  • those who have received any untaxed income
  • those claiming Child Benefit but they or their partner have an income above £50,000

Self-employed workers must also register for Class 2 National Insurance contributions.

National Museums Scotland acquires rare medieval gold sword pommel

National Museums Scotland has acquired an exceptionally rare gold sword pommel, created around 700 AD.

Discovered in Stirlingshire, this spectacular object is one of the first of its kind found in Scotland and has been allocated to the Museums by the King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer following the recommendation of the Scottish Archaeological Finds Allocation Panel. 

The pommel is a decorative fitting that would have capped the top of a sword hilt made over 1000 years ago. Crafted in solid gold, the object is encrusted with garnets and intricate goldwork. This rich and technically accomplished decoration is highly symbolic, featuring religious motifs and fantastical creatures.  

The discovery was made near Blair Drummond in Scotland, adding significantly to its archaeological value, affirming important cultural, political and artistic interactions within northern Britain.

Its decoration masterfully combines elements from both Anglo-Saxon England and the kingdoms of Early Medieval Scotland. This vibrant ‘Insular art’ style, made famous by illuminated manuscripts such as the Lindisfarne Gospels, is Britain’s unique contribution to medieval European art and the Stirling pommel is an outstanding expression of this creative fusion in gold. 

Dr Alice Blackwell, Senior Curator of Medieval Archaeology and History at National Museums Scotland, said: “Goldwork from this period is virtually unknown from anywhere in the UK and we are delighted to secure the Stirling Pommel for Scotland’s national collections.

“It is a hugely significant archaeological find, revealing more about this fascinating period in the history of northern Britain and representing the spectacular skill and craftsmanship of the period.” 

The pommel was discovered by a metal detectorist and declared to the Treasure Trove unit, in accordance with Scots Law. It was subsequently allocated to National Museums Scotland by the Scottish Archaeological Finds Allocation Panel (SAFAP). 

John Logue, King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer, said: “This discovery highlights the positive work done by the Treasure Trove Unit to decide upon the preservation of rare items for the nation.”  

The announcement follows the success of  Scottish Archaeology month 2022 in September. This initiative is focused on sharing and engaging with stories related to history, heritage and archaeology in Scotland. 

Edinburgh Leisure: In for a penny to lose the pounds

With the rising cost of living, Edinburgh Leisure is running their ‘penny campaign’ reducing their joining fee to just a penny on their fitness, gym, class, swim and climb memberships, helping you to lose the pounds in time for Christmas and helping you find that wellbeing factor, now the dark autumn nights are drawing in.

The offer is available from today – Monday, 24th October until Sunday, 6th November 2022 and is available to buy online only.

As everyone is different and needs to find their own way to a healthy and active life, Edinburgh Leisure offers a range of different membership options to suit everyone including swim, gym and fitness classes only to full monthly memberships.

By offering different types of membership, people can match their activity preferences to their pocket.

And as part of the promotion, Edinburgh Leisure is running their Free Friend Friday whereby existing members are able to bring a friend for free this Friday, 28th October.

With 30+ venues including 1 climbing centre, 12 swimming pools, 14 gyms, and 750+ fitness classes per week, Edinburgh Leisure is the ‘biggest club in town’ providing the widest range of fitness classes, state of the art facilities and community-based programmes across the capital.

To join online, visit:

Cramond’s Got Talent: Residents take centre stage at city care home

Excited contestants vie for the ‘Golden Buzzer’ at Cramond home’s talent show

RESIDENTS at a luxurious Edinburgh care home put on their dancing shoes and warmed up their vocal cords in anticipation of the home’s talent show.

‘Cramond’s Got Talent’ was the latest addition to Cramond Residence’s activities rota, with the aim of encouraging residents to lead fun and fulfilling lives.  

At least 10 of the home’s residents and staff members took centre stage to perform in front of a judging panel which also consisted of six residents.

Many of the performances included tributes to bands such as ABBA, whilst one resident showcased traditional Spanish dancing and another performed a piano symphony.

The idea for Cramond’s Got Talent came from one of the home’s Lifestyle Coordinator’s, Garylee Rushforth. He said: “It was great to see the residents and staff members at Cramond let their hair down and fully immerse themselves in the experience.

“The residents were really excited and couldn’t wait to witness the array of talent that was to be showcased from not only their fellow residents, but also their favourite key workers.

“Each member of the panel had their own unique judging style as they all have a range of different backgrounds and life experiences, consisting of a dance teacher, a former RAF engineer, a pianist and singer to name a few.

“One of the residents was set on taking a Simon Cowell type approach in their judging style, which certainly made for an entertaining show!”

Activities are resident-led and aim to make life as fun and fulfilling as possible. The Lifestyle Team are continually looking for new exciting and engaging activities to implement into each month’s carefully-planned programme.

Facilities provided include a cinema and function room, a dedicated games room and also a sensory experience which offers therapeutic activities for those with dementia.

Garylee continued: “The vast array of offerings at Cramond really is exceptional. I love seeing the joy on our resident’s faces when they are participating and having fun during one of the planned sessions.”

Located in Cramond, the care home was launched in 2018 to offer uncompromising nurse-led care, as well as respite and dementia specialist services, and provides small-group living for up to 74 residents in nine luxuriously-appointed homes.

Cramond Residence offer tours of their quality accommodation and facilities, allowing potential residents and loved ones to see the residence for themselves, meet the team and discuss requirements.

To find out more, call 0131 341 4037 or visit