Martha Docherty 12.6.1929 – 01.08.2014

Sadly, we have to report that one of our community has died at the grand old age of 85. Born 12 June 1929, Martha Docherty was a much loved member of the “Sunshine Club” and also St. Paul’s social club.
A kind and generous spirited lady, much of the old school, Martha loved both clubs and the company and especially looked forward to the trips out that both afforded their members.
Her love of dogs often stopped a gentle stroll through -St Andrews – Pebbles’ and every town north of the borders. This love was only up-staged by the lunch break, which just had to be fish and chips!! This picture (below) is the only one in which Martha was encouraged to break a lifetime habit and elect for “St.Andrew’s style Steak Pie”!

We will all miss you Martha, and our thoughts are for your immediate family and friends, our memories are of you – Thank you for them all.
Martha’s funeral will take place at St. Paul’s in Muirhouse on Friday 8 August at 10.00am and then on to Craigmillar Castle Cemetery for the committal. This will be followed by light refreshments back at St. Pauls Halls in Muirhouse.
We will never forget our Martha.
James McGinty
Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre