Scottish Pensioners’ Forum calls for creation of a National Care Service

The Scottish Pensioners’ Forum, the campaigning organisation for older people in Scotland, have today released a report calling for the creation of a National Care Service in light of the tragic number of deaths related to Covid-19 within care home settings.

The report is supported by the STUC.

Rose Jackson, SPF Chair, argued: “Covid-19 has had a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable members of our society with many older people losing their lives prematurely due to the inadequate measures in place within residential care settings – things must change as a matter of urgency to ensure that more older people don’t lose their lives unnecessarily as a consequence of this.”

The report also highlights the profits being made by private companies and overseas investment in the care home sector and calls for an urgent review of this practice.

“We must replace a profit based system with something more akin to the NHS to avoid tax payers providing grossly inflated profits to shell companies and overseas speculators.”

The SPF, who have strong links with the STUC and its affiliates, have also set out a plan for a care service which would be beneficial for care home residents whilst also protecting the rights and welfare of employees in the care sector.

Roz Foyer, STUC General Secretary, welcomed the report stating: “Older people in Scotland have suffered greatly during this pandemic. Reports that half of all Covid deaths in Scotland have been from people living in care homes is a disgrace that should shame Governments and employers.

“The STUC has repeatedly called for a National Care Service, and while the Scottish Government have promised to review it, we must continue to push for a fully nationalised service that puts service users and care workers before profit and greed. That is why we continue to demand that the voice of care users and the voice of workers is directly represented on the Adult Social Care Inquiry.

“It is the least we, as a society, can do for our older population and for future generations to come.”

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