Meadowbank Masterplan submitted

The Masterplan for the Meadowbank redevelopment has been lodged. Surrounding the city’s new state of the art Meadowbank sports centre, the council says the development has been designed in collaboration with members of the local community.

This approach has involved a substantial programme of public engagement since June 2018, including 15 events and workshops and 680 consulation responses. Together with an independently chaired Meadowbank Sounding Board, which has met six times, this has enabled local residents, community representatives, elected members and Council officers to work in partnership to shape the plans.

The Masterplan which has now been submitted features proposals for a low car, sustainable development which pays tribute to the site’s sporting and industrial heritage. It prioritises pedestrian and active travel through its network of paths and roads.

The plans have been designed to protect rare Wheatley Elms in the area and they incorporate a number of play and park spaces, a rain garden and plans to plant more trees.

Around 600 modern low carbon energy-efficient homes are proposed in the development plan, with a minimum of 35% affordable homes. The plans also include space for a GP surgery and other community facilities.

The Masterplan for Meadowbank is is likely to be considered by members of the Development Management Sub Committee this summer. It’s one of the major developments planned as part of the Council’s citywide placemaking programme, which also involves the regeneration of Fountainbridge, Pennywell, Granton, Craigmillar and Leith.

Councillor Kate Campbell, Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener, said: “A huge amount of work has gone into producing this Masterplan for Meadowbank. We’ve been listening to the local community throughout the process and I’d like to thank everyone for helping to shape these designs. I’m confident this plan reflects their priorities and needs.

“We’re proposing that over a third of the homes we build at Meadowbank will be affordable – with most of those for social rent. To support our ambition to be a carbon neutral city by 2030, we’re also going to create great public spaces for children to play and people to meet, walk and cycle through. We’re prioritising people over cars and keeping parking to a minimum as well as building high quality energy efficient homes.”

Further details on the plans are available


and a model of the proposals can be viewed at Piershill library.

The construction of the new Meadowbank Sports Centre is currently well underway with handover of the new building to Edinburgh Leisure expected in the Autumn.

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