Jumble sale to help those at home and abroad

Pilton-based charity Fresh Start and Turi Children’s Project in Kenya will each receive a share of proceeds from Cramond Kirk’s upcoming jumble sale.

The jumble sale, to be staged in the Kirk Halls on Saturday 11 March from 11 am till 1pm, will feature adult and children’s clothes, bags and shoes, books, CDs and DVDs, bric-a-brac, linen and soft furnishings, toys and games.  Home-baking, tea and coffee will revive weary buyers!
Fresh Start helps people who have been homeless to get established in their new homes, providing practical and social support such as starter packs, decorating and painting, cooking classes, a cooker.
The Turi community project supports children affected by the aftermath of HIV AIDS or displaced by political events in Kenya.  It is now working to build a centre where children can obtain food or school uniforms, enjoy games and recreation, get help with school work, advice and counselling.
In his capacity as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Cramond Kirk’s Minister Russell Barr is to visit the Turi project in March.
Members of Cramond’s Sunday Club have been in contact with children in Turi for several years, exchanging letters and photographs.  Jumble Sale proceeds will help the young people to set up a chicken shed, learn  to care for their birds and sell eggs to the community.
Edith Butler of Cramond Kirk, who is coordinating arrangements for this year’s Jumble Sale, said: “We always have a superb range of high quality goods on all the stalls.  So please come along on 11 March and grab yourself a bargain, while boosting worthwhile charities at home and abroad.”
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