New Year news from Living in Harmony

01 JAN community ceilidh

Dear all, 

Happy New Year! I hope you had a good break.

Overcoming Language Barriers write up

I’m attaching the minutes and slides from our last forum meeting about overcoming language barriers. Thank you to everyone who took part. The next forum meeting will be in February. I’ll be in touch soon with the date.

Burns Night Community Ceilidh

I’m attaching a poster for the Burns Night Community Ceilidh at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Saturday 23rd January, 5-9pm. This is a really fun, family friendly and accessible evening for anyone living in the area. Tickets are £1 and need to be purchased in advance from the community centre. Please come along and invite others!

Facebook page

The Living in Harmony facebook page is at

We want people to use this page to share information about what’s on so please do like it, post information on it and share it. Luke will be trying to post interesting and useful articles on the page too, so hopefully you’ll find it helpful.

Chat cafes

I’m attaching flyers for the Chat Café at PCHP and an LGBT chat café in the city, both starting this month.

Hannah Kitchen

Development Worker, Living in Harmony 

chat cafe a5 formatted polish anna jan 2016

chat cafe a5 anna jan 2016 english

overcoming language barrier elite linguists

Overcoming language barriers 10th december


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Edinburgh reporter and photographer