EIJB: Draft Strategic Plan consultation

Edinburgh Integration Joint Board draft strategic plan – HAVE YOUR SAY

A consultation on the EIJB’s draft strategic plan is now open:


We would like you to share your views on Edinburgh Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) Draft Strategic Plan.

This plan covers the three financial years running from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2028.

Our purpose as an IJB is to provide the best health and social care services that we can with the resources we have available.

This means working to make Edinburgh a safer, healthier and fairer place to live for everybody.

This latest version of the plan has been produced with extensive input from the citizens of Edinburgh and the many organisations and teams that serve our communities.  

We would like to know if you think we have the right priorities, if you agree with what we are planning to do and if you think the way we plan to measure our success is right. Please use the form on the following pages to tell us what you think. You can answer as many or as few of the questions as you like.

Give us your views:

Online Survey

We are also holding two events where you can share your views with us:

You can download a copy of the draft plan document at the bottom of this page.

If you need help accessing the documents or completing the form, please email ehscp.communications@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Have your say on the priorities, planned actions and measures of success.


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