Lothian Labour MSP, Sarah Boyack has written to Cabinet Secretary for Health, to ask him for clarity over when the decision will be made over the New Edinburgh Eye Pavilion.
In a November meeting organised by Ms Boyack between patients and Michael Matheson, the Cabinet Secretary assured patients that any decision over the Eye Pavilion would be made in December, in line with the budget.
However, a Scottish Government spokesperson has now claimed that the decision will not be made until the Spring.
Delaying this decision will force patients to rely on outdated services and face further cancelled appointments.
Campaigners were hoping that the current budget would provide long awaited clarity for whether the new facility would get the go-ahead.
Sarah Boyack MSP said: “Michael Matheson has fundamentally misled patients.
“To tell patients that the decision would be made in December, only for it to be pushed back to the Spring is a slap in the face for all those who need a new facility.
“Michael Matheson needs to confirm on the record when the capital spending will be announced and apologise for misleading patients.
“Every day the Scottish Government delays, the project becomes more expensive, and the current Eye Pavilion deteriorates further.
“If Michael Matheson does not provide clarity now, we are heading towards a crisis for eyecare services in Edinburgh.”
Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland, added: “We’re concerned the Scottish Government’s plans to review this project again in the spring is too little too late.
“It’s now 10 years on since the current hospital was declared unfit for purpose and by delaying the decision again is ignoring the critical need of patients and staff attending the current hospital.
“As time goes on, the building deteriorates further and the risk to people’s safety increases. People with visual impairment and eye conditions deserve better.”