Thousands of lucky Scots treated to free strawberry delivery ahead of Wimbledon finals weekend

Premium berry brand, AVA Berries has teamed up with McQueens Dairies Milk Delivery Company to deliver thousands of punnets of Scottish AVA strawberries to households across Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Fife tomorrow (Thursday 8 July) ahead of the Wimbledon finals weekend. 

Strawberries and Wimbledon are a match made in heaven and the two brands have joined forces to surprise almost 2,000 McQueens Dairies customers with punnets of freshly picked Scottish AVA strawberries, which they will receive with their usual milk delivery. 

On the partnership, Jill Witheyman, Head of Marketing at AVA Berries, commented: “We teamed up with McQueens Dairies last year when Wimbledon was cancelled, and their customers went crazy for our strawberries.

“So, with the tournament going ahead this year, we decided we’d work together again to surprise thousands of their customers with strawberries so they can enjoy a punnet while watching the women’s and men’s finals this weekend.” 

AVA Berries offer the best flavour, sweetness and quality and are grown by an exclusive group of growers based across the north-east coast of Scotland, Perthshire and Fife, where there is the ideal micro-climate for producing the perfect strawberry due to its warm days, cool nights, and just the right amount of daylight hours.      

The Scottish AVA strawberry season usually begins in May and lasts until early October, with sales peaking in June and July. 

Calum McQueen, Commercial Director at McQueens Dairies added: “It is fantastic that Wimbledon is on again this year, and we wanted to surprise our customers with some delicious AVA strawberries as a treat to enjoy during the finals weekend.

“Nothing says summer more than tennis and strawberries, and we hope this partnership with AVA Berries will spread a little summer cheer.” 

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