The hidden dangers of stealing gas

It costs you and it costs lives

  • Stealing gas puts lives in danger
  • Make gas theft socially unacceptable
  • 25% increase in confirmed “Theft of Gas” cases last year
  • Stealing gas/electricity adds an extra £50 to energy bills*

Britain’s gas distribution networks (GDN) have joined forces with Stay Energy Safe, (powered by Crimestoppers) to raise awareness of the dangers of the ‘Theft of Gas’.

A new hard-hitting video has been produced for the campaign, showing a father tampering with their gas meter and is about to put his whole family in danger. The video has been shared through social media channels with the aim to raise awareness and hopefully make the illegal practise socially unacceptable.

The campaign will run throughout the winter and is supported by the gas industry to help people understand the dangers of tampering with a gas meter, what to look for and how to report it anonymously if you suspect theft.

Dave Garner, Director of Safety at gas distribution network Cadent said: “We want to make gas theft socially unacceptable, regardless of circumstances or situation – safety always comes first.

“Theft of gas has been around for a long time. However, we have seen a 25% increase in confirmed cases of theft of gas in the past year. We are concerned that the increase is part of the cost-of-living challenges we are all facing.

“The fact is, it is dangerous to tamper with your gas meter and only a qualified Gas Safe registered engineer should work on a gas meter or gas pipes.

“We are pleased to be working in partnership with Northern Gas Networks, SGN and Wales & West Utilities to bring this vital campaign to the forefront of everybody’s minds.”

What to look out for:

A gas meter should be flush against a hard surface with the on/off handle on the left-hand side. There should be a gas pipe coming from outside into the gas meter and one pipe going into the property and its appliances. If you see anything different from this, it could be that the meter has been tampered with and they are trying to steal gas.

Who to call:

Call the Stay Energy Safe service free on 0800 023 2777 or fill in the simple online form at You can remain 100% anonymous.

Mark Loveday from Retail Energy Code Company, the not-for-profit organisation that owns and manages the key rules for operating in the GB retail energy market, and works with the energy industry to reduce energy theft, said: “The industry has seen an increase in reports of suspected gas theft over the years. Stay Energy Safe received 2,916 reports between April 2023 and March 2024. This figure has increased by 46% compared to April 2021 – March 2022.

“These figures are concerning, and we encourage people, ‘If you suspect it, report it 100% anonymously to Stay Energy Safe’. Gas meter tampering takes lives and it’s not worth it.”

In addition, all GDNs are reinforcing the dangers and signs of gas theft to its engineers during the campaign. They’re reminding colleagues of the issues to spot when working in the community to help identify any theft and keep the public safe.

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