Volunteering helps Safia find the perfect work and life balance

As a girl who began watching ballet at the age of 10, little did Safia Qureshi realise that one day her interest in dance would lead to a career in helping to improve people’s health and wellbeing.

Safia is currently Director of Evidence and Digital at Healthcare Improvement Scotland, the national improvement agency for health and care in Scotland, whilst also being a volunteer with Scottish Ballet. She is involved with them as part of a ground-breaking initiative that uses dance as an alternative to medication.

Safia, from Penicuik, is one of 3485 NHS volunteers each month, who give up their time to help others. In total, NHS volunteers donated 584,000 hours in 2023-24 – the equivalent of 24,333 days.

She is encouraging others to do their bit and give up some of their spare time, as part of Volunteers Week, which runs from Monday, 3 June until Sunday 9.

Safia said: “I grew up loving ballet. I went to see it with my mum when I was a little, so I’ve always gone to see it when I can.

“I was doing a leadership development course run by the Scottish Government called Project Lift when I first came into contact with Scottish Ballet in a work setting. and they had this idea which they called Colliding Perspectives.

“I was involved in an initiative where small groups of people who were on the course came together with folk from different industries, and one of the companies involved was Scottish Ballet.

“They were looking for help with developing their Dance Health programme so I was straight at the front for that one, saying ‘Let me help!’

“Some colleagues and I were invited for a visit, to meet them and talk about what they were looking for.

“When I was there, I wondered if Healthcare Improvement Scotland might be able to help them, because one of their challenges was persuading healthcare professionals that dance could be used as an alternative to medication.”

Safia initially volunteered with a programme which helped people with Parkinson’s Disease.

She explained: “Having heard about their dance health programme at a high level, I got the opportunity to volunteer with the Dance for Parkinson’s programme that Scottish Ballet was running in Peebles, so I volunteered with them, probably on and off for maybe a year-and-a-half, and that was what really did it for me.

“It was just the most amazing experience, as the classes were run by professional dancers and they treated everyone who was in the room as a dancer. It was all really respectful and the programmes are based on whatever Scottish Ballet are working on, so there’s always a connection back to the company.

“The class became this real community, where people with Parkinson’s and a friend or a partner would come, and we’d all do the class together. It was great for helping people to relax and unwind.

“There were times when I would be blinking back tears at the positivity and community in the room. There’s something really special about the way that dance helped and united us all. I got such a lot from it personally, and it made me more determined that we need to show other people this is something that is amazing.”

With her knowledge as a health and care professional, Safia has been delighted to bring her professional expertise, her contacts within the world of healthcare professionals, plus her love of ballet together, and in turn has made many friends.

She said: “I helped Scottish Ballet set up their research committee and bringing in clinical experts.

“Having been a volunteer for a while, I was thinking some of the exercises that Scottish Ballet do might benefit people with Long COVID.

“We asked some of the patient representatives who’d supported us develop a clinical guideline for people with Long COVID guideline if they would meet with Scottish Ballet and talk them through what might be useful. They then introduced Scottish Ballet to more people in the Long COVID community. There was a real example of thinking differently, and using what you do in a different way to help people.”

Safia added: “When I was 10 years old and going to the ballet with my mum, I wouldn’t have believed this was all possible and that one day, I’d be working with Scottish Ballet. It still catches me every time I go.

“Through volunteering, you meet fascinating people who you would never otherwise have met and you also get to learn about yourself as you broaden your horizons. It’s very rewarding.

“Volunteering makes you feel good in lots of different ways, by doing something that takes you out of your day-to-day routine. I’ve been part of a community I never knew existed, which is lovely and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough.”

Families invited to explore enchanting Forest School

The Forest at Merchiston to host Open Morning on 15 June

Edinburgh’s answer to progressive education, The Forest at Merchiston, is to open its woodland gates to prospective families on 15 June between 9:30am – 11:30am for a truly enchanting Open Event.

Merchiston Castle School’s highly anticipated Forest Nursery and Junior School will welcome families interested in the cutting-edge, co-educational provision for an interactive Open Morning in the gorgeous 100-acre wooded grounds.

Alongside hands-on activities and Forest games, attendees will hear from The Forest Head Teacher, Davina Bowers, about this pioneering new offering, and have the chance to speak to the newly appointed Forest teaching staff.

Opening in September 2024, The Forest Nursery and Junior School seeks to bring a holistic approach to childhood development to Edinburgh.

Founded in Forest school principles, which prioritises child-centred outdoor learning, this educational offering will provide boys and girls ages 3 – 5 (Forest Nursery) and year groups P1 – P3 (Forest Junior) the very best formative years of education.

Davina Bowers, Head Teacher of The Forest Nursery and Junior School, said: “We are very excited to be hosting this Open Morning for prospective families to discover more about The Forest at Merchiston.

“This is the first chance for parents to meet our passionate Forest team and learn about our vibrant academic curriculum. We will also be answering questions, covering everything from after-school activities to uniform and more.

“As with all our Forest events, we are incorporating some fun Forest-themed activities to keep the little ones – and big ones – entertained! There will even be a surprise visit from a very special guest to add to the magical atmosphere.”

The Forest at Merchiston’s Open Morning is taking place on Saturday 15 June between 9:30am – 11:30am. Registration is required to attend the event, please do so here.


Lothian MSPs support calls to improve access to Diabetes Technology in NHS Lothian

ONLY 38% of Type 1 diabetics in NHS Lothian have aces to a Flash Glucose Monitor, compared to 51.8% across Scotland – and only a quarter of paediatric patients in NHS Lothian have access to a Flash Glucose Monitor compared with 35.5% across Scotland.

Commenting on the figures, Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: ““Diabetes patients in NHS Lothian are simply not getting the same level of treatment that they would be if they lived in other parts of Scotland.

“We know that this technology is really significant for a person’s quality of life and we need to improve access to Flash Glucose Monitors across the health board.

“Children in particular are not receiving the same level of care as they would get in other parts of Scotland.

“Years of underfunding of the health boards by SNP Minister has led to a position were NHS Lothian are cutting services that they do not want to cut.

“We need to see a review of the wording to treatment guarantees in Scotland.

“Flash Glucose Monitors count as equipment, rather than medicine, which mean that diabetes patients are not automatically entitled to the technology.”

Special Event: Community Kitchen at Lauriston Agroecology Farm

Come along to the official opening of our earthen-built Community Kitchen in our Community Allotments and Garden!

Saturday 15th June, 1pm – 3:30pm

We’re excited to celebrate this new community space. The Community Kitchen was made by and for the people in this community, funded by the Edinburgh Community Climate Fund #ParticipatoryBudgeting process.

But our community also includes all the plant and animal life too. This is why we have invited Scotland’s Plant Health Centre and other experts to join us for the afternoon.

We will have info sessions from:

  • Gerry Sadler: Chief Plant Health Officer for Scotland
  • Matt Elliot: Plant Health & Biosecurity Scientist at RBGE
    (and our own)
  • Rob Davidson: Experienced Ecologist and Orchardist
  • Lisa Houston: Community Growing Development Coordinator & Earthen Building Expert

Together we will explore how plant health connects with wider community health. You can learn how to source seeds safely, spot signs of plant disease, get healthy compost, and protect the wider ecosystem when growing your own fruit and veg.

Along with artists Gretchen Maynard-Hayn and Emma Brierley, you can help us make a useful guide for anyone who has an allotment or veg patch.

We’ll be screening a short film in one of the sheds. And you can eat pizza cooked in our new earthen oven!

It’s free, but we do need to know numbers, so please book a ticket:


West Edinburgh consultation drop-in

THURSDAY 13 JUNE 3 – 7pm


THE city council would like your views on revised plans for a major expansion of West Edinburgh based on feedback from residents, businesses and Scottish Government.

Come to Tweed Room, Marriott Delta, 111 Glasgow Rd, Thursday 13 June 3pm to 7pm or fill in our survey at http://edinburgh.gov.uk/westedinburgh

Water Safety Scotland: Water-based deaths at lowest since 2018

Water-related fatalities are at their lowest level since 2018, according to Water Safety Scotland’s latest annual trend report, which contains analysis of data from the Water Incident Database(WAID).

The report also shows that water-related fatalities decreased during 2023 (94) when compared to 2022 (96) andprovides detail on historical and baseline data in comparison  to Scotland’s Drowning Prevention Strategy (SDPS).

The WAID Database is maintained by the National Water Safety Forum and gathers information related to water-based incidents.

Water Safety Scotland is a voluntary association of organisations and individuals whose main purpose is to understand the risks around water in Scotland and engage with partners to develop a consistent approach to the prevention of water related fatalities.

The Steering Group of Water Safety Scotland is represented by Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), Police Scotland and Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority. This variety of representation is intended to give a broad and balanced view of the strategic direction and leadership of WSS.

Carlene McAvoy, Founder of WSS and the Data Subgroup Chair, said: “We expected to see accidental deaths rise as not recorded has decreased due to the improved dataset via the Drowning and Incident Review.  However, we have actually seen a decrease in accidental fatalities in 2023.

“The recent figures for overall water-related fatalities shows a decrease – bringing the number of overall water-related fatalities down to its lowest level since 2018, when we saw 78 fatalities.

“Accidental water-related fatalities are also below the SDPS average via the introduction of the Drowning and Incident Review (DIR), a pioneering process created in Scotland which aims to gather all relevant data and information in order to systematically and rigorously review each accidental water-related incident with a view to preventing a future occurrence”.

Water Safety Scotland continues to promote water safety through its assets including free education resources for teachers and practitioners and free consistent water safety messaging for partners to use across Scotland.

As summer approaches, Water Safety Scotland wants to remind the public to stay safe and follow the three part Water Safety Code:

  • Stop and Think, Spot the Dangers
  • Stay Together, Stay Close
  • In an Emergency, Call 999

Community Safety Minister Siobhian Brown said: “Figures showing water related deaths are at their lowest since 2018 should be welcomed but we cannot be complacent. Any death is one too many and leaves a devastating impact on victim’s families and surrounding communities.

“The Scottish Government continues to take water safety very seriously. Through the Water Safety Action Plan we are taking a range of measures including improving awareness through training for children and young people and improving signage around Scotland’s open water.

“We would encourage everyone to follow the Water Safety Code: Stop and Think, Spot the Dangers, Stay Together, Stay Close and call 999 in an emergency.”

Charity urges focus on water safety as child drownings in England double over last four years

National charity, the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK), shares data[1] that accidental drowning deaths amongst children have doubled since 2019-20 as its annual water safety education campaign begins.

The data shows the number of child drowning deaths in England has significantly increased from 20 in 2019-20, to 41 in 2022-23. Tragically, a total of 125 children have accidentally lost their lives to drowning in the last four years.

With England reporting an alarming increase in child drowning fatalities, RLSS UK is urging everyone to learn the Water Safety Code though its video animation as part of its annual Drowning Prevention Week campaign, taking place from 15-22 June 2024.

Targeted at young children and families, the national water safety education campaign aims to ensure as many people as possible are equipped with vital lifesaving knowledge to allow them to enjoy water safely this summer.

Matt Croxall, Charity Director at RLSS UK, said: “The alarming increase in tragic child drowning deaths in England highlights just how important it is that families are aware of the importance of water safety and have the correct knowledge to make the right decisions around water.

“We are urging parents to stay vigilant in, on and around water, both at home and when spending time outdoors and to have the water safety conversation with their children.

“With warmer summer days on the horizon, we will inevitably see people flock to open water sites across the UK and Ireland, as well as taking opportunities to enjoy water at home in the garden. We want to ensure that everyone can enjoy water this summer by having the knowledge to do so safely.

“More than half of child drownings occur in June, July and August, and Drowning Prevention Week works to equip families with the appropriate skills and knowledge to enjoy water safely during the summer months and beyond.”

During the 2023 campaign, RLSS UK materials and resources were used to educate over 1.85 million children in vital water safety knowledge and skills.

Matt Croxall added: “For this year’s Drowning Prevention Week campaign, we are looking to educate even more young people on water safety, providing children with the skills to enjoy a lifetime of fun in the water.”

For Drowning Prevention Week, RLSS UK has a range of free new and updated educational resources available on its website for children, including lesson plans for schools and downloadable resources for parents, as well as an engaging video animation to support families in learning the Water Safety Code.

For more information around Drowning Prevention Week, please visit our website at www.rlss.org.uk/dpw.

Follow us on Instagram and X – @RLSSUK

Visit our Facebook or Instagram pages – facebook.com/RLSSUK 

XL Bully owners urged to apply for exemption certificate before 31 July deadline

XL Bully dog owners are being reminded to apply for an exemption certificate before the deadline on 31 July.

From 1 August 2024, it will be a criminal offence to own an XL Bully without an exemption certificate or to have applied for one.

Victims and Community Safety Minister Siobhan Brown said: “The scheme is necessary to allow for XL Bully dog owners to legally keep their dogs in the long term, while agreeing to adhere to the necessary safeguards that will help reduce any risks to public safety”.

Find out more at http://gov.scot/…/xl-bully-owners-reminded-to-apply…/

Childline delivered 682 counselling sessions a month last year to young people from Scotland

•     Last year Childline delivered almost 8,200 counselling sessions to children and young people from Scotland  

•      In more than 700 of these sessions the young person said that Childline was the first place they had shared their concerns

•     Almost all these counselling sessions were conducted online – 59% via 1-2-1 chat and 41% via email.      

•     The NSPCC calls on the public to play their part for children by getting involved in Childhood Day.

The NSPCC’s Childline service delivered nearly 8,200 counselling sessions last year to children and young people from Scotland, with poor mental health, difficulty with family relationships and friendship issues some of the top concerns.

As the charity prepared for its third annual Childhood Day on Friday (June 7th) it issued a rallying call for families to come together to celebrate childhood by signing-up or joining in on one of the many fundraising activities taking place around the country.

In 2023/24 Childline delivered 8,190 counselling sessions to children and young people from Scotland dealing with a range of worries. Almost all these counselling sessions were conducted online – 59% via 1-2-1 chat and 41% via email – highlighting the changing way in which the service is now provided.

In more than 700 sessions the young person said Childline was the first place they had talked about their concern, reinforcing how vital the service continues to be for children.

The new data released by the NSPCC gives an indicator of the issues and problems facing children and young people in 2024. It also highlights the need for children and parents to find fun ways to spend time together and have conversations about what is taking place in their lives.

Childhood Day brings people together across the UK, Jersey and the Channel Islands to celebrate the joys of being a child, while also encouraging people to play their part to help keep children safe.

This year, for the first time ever, we are held a Childline Sports Day in Glasgow’s Golden Jubilee Hotel. This fun-filled event saw 13 teams battle against each other in physical and cerebral activities to win the coveted Sports Day trophy.

There were lots of fun interactive moments, with live linkups from the other Childline sports day events taking place in Manchester and London, to bring everyone together, and a silent auction, donations, raffle, BBQ, drinks and live entertainment.

While children from Festival Park Day Nursery in Lorne Street, Glasgow, visited Kinning Park Care Home residents on Childhood Day on Friday (June 7) for a day of “intergenerational connection” to show the benefits of interaction between young and old, such as children learning from their elders as well as helping to improve the residents’ mental health. The day includde story time, nursery rhymes and games.

Anne Marie Vernel, Depute Head of Festival Park Day Nursery, said: “The children have been building up relationships with the residents over the past few months and thoroughly enjoy visiting the care home. The children also welcomed the residents into the nursery last month and they were very excited about the visit.

“It’s lovely to see the two generations meet and share stories. History is brought to life when the children hear about what life was like for them when they were growing up, and I’m sure the residents areinterested to hear about childhood experiences today as well.”

People can also get involved by volunteering at a Childhood Day collection, taking on the charity’s Childhood Day Mile or donating directly – including at cash donation points in Lidl GB stores. Additionally, on 7th and 8th June Lidl GB donated £1 to the NSPCC for every customer that spends £10, scans the Lidl Plus app and submits their donation.

Collections took place before the Taylor Swift concert at Murrayfield stadium tram station and at Aberdeen beach Asda yesterday (Saturday).

Further collections will take place across Scotland over the coming days: at Central train station, Glasgow, on Thursday, June 13,  at Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow, on June, 14 and 21, at the Foo Fighters concert in Glasgow outside Hampden Park stadium on Monday, June 17 and in Glasgow City Centre on Friday, June 7 with the Rock choir.

All the funds raised from Childhood Day will go towards ensuring the NSPCC can continue to deliver services like Childline to those children who need support and feel they have nowhere else to turn.

Childline often hears from young people about how much the service means to them and positively impacts their lives.

One young person aged 14* from Scotland told Childline: “I want to say thank you so much Childline, you’ve really helped me. I know I can come back anytime for reminders on helping my mental health, or check the website, it’s so good!”

Rebecca Wilcox, President of Childline, said: “As a mother, as well as the President of Childline and a volunteer for the service, I believe it’s incredibly important for young people to have a safe space where they can discuss anything that might be troubling them.

“Childline will always be here for every young person, no matter the nature or size of their concern.”

Sir Peter Wanless, NSPCC CEO, said: “Every day Childline continues to be a safe port for hundreds of children struggling with a widening range of issues and concerns.

“Events like Childhood Day play an essential part in providing the support we need to keep Childline running day and night for young people, some of whom have nowhere else to turn.  

“As well as raising vital funds for the NSPCC Childhood Day also encourages children and families to celebrate childhood.

 “This is why we are calling on communities, schools and families to take part in fun activities, such as the Childhood Day Mile – where they can hop, skip or jump a mile.”

Lidl GB is sponsoring the NSPCC’s Childhood Day for a third year as retail sponsor. Lidl GB has been partnered with the NSPCC for 7 years, raising over £9 million for the charity in this time.

It is currently supporting young people with their mental health by raising money for Childline. Lidl GB will be helping to raise awareness of Childhood Day, as well as holding its own events and activities with colleagues and customers across Great Britain to help raise vital funds.

Also sponsoring this year’s Childline Sports Day is O2. O2 connects millions of families across the UK and is committed to helping keep children and young people safe when gaming, studying and connecting with friends online.

As part of its sustainability strategy, the Better Connections Plan, the company is working to improve the digital skills and confidence of six million people by the end of 2025.

To find out more , visit:


Man arrested and charged following death in Westfield Road

A 43-year-old man has been arrested and charged in connection with the death of a 53-year-old man in Gorgie.

Officers were called to Westfield Road at around 12.55pm on Friday (7 June) following concern for a man within a property.

The 53-year-old was subsequently pronounced dead at the scene. His next of kin are aware.

The 43-year-old man is expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow (Monday, 10 June, 2024).

Detective Inspector David McAlinden said: “At this time, our thoughts are very much with the family and friends of the deceased.

“This was a contained incident, however we know that the police presence and subsequent road closure has had a significant impact on the local community and the wider public.

“We would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as officers have carried out their enquiries in the area.”

Road Open Alert Banner

Two-thirds buy car insurance at the most expensive time

The sweet spot that could save you almost 50%

Drivers are being told they can save up to almost 50% on their car insurance premiums if they renew their policy 15 to 24 days before it’s due to expire.

The car insurance experts have revealed the time motorists renew car insurance can severely impact how much they end up paying. 

The worst time to buy is last minute – with 62% of customers buying during this expensive period.

The sweet spot for renewing a car insurance policy is 15 to 24 days before the policy is due to start, as data reveals drivers purchasing during this time save themselves an average of 33-45%.

Many drivers hope waiting until the last minute to renew their policies will lead to a good last-minute deal, however this is not normally the case.

Car insurance experts at Quotezone.co.uk analysed the cheapest times for renewing insurance policies and shared other useful tips to help drivers avoid overpaying for their premiums.

Organised motorists giving themselves plenty of time to shop around and receive numerous quotes before deciding whether to renew or switch policies will likely receive the best deals.

Another mistake people make is allowing their policies to renew automatically, as this can cause drivers to miss out on significant savings.

Other expert tips on keeping insurance costs down include paying annually, cutting back on unnecessary extras, improving vehicle security and taking advantage of multi-car discounts.

Motorists looking to keep premiums low should also try to avoid making small claims against their no-claims bonus – to help build up the years of no claims discount. 

Reviewing the excess is another option, drivers should try quoting with various excess options – although a higher excess will likely lower the overall payment, drivers need to be careful they are comfortable that they could afford the larger excess should an incident arise.

Quotezone.co.uk Founder and CEO Greg Wilson said: “Although car insurance costs appear to be starting to stabilise following the record highs they reached over the last 12 months, it’s important for drivers to make sure they’re not overpaying for their premiums.

“Some of the most common costly mistakes drivers make are letting their policies renew automatically, not shopping around for better deals and leaving it to the last minute to purchase the policy.

“Drivers generally get notified a month before the policy is about to expire, and that’s the perfect time to start shopping around and comparing different providers – purchasing 15 to 24 days before the policy start date for the largest potential savings.

“Even if they stick with their current insurer, obtaining quotes from other companies may still help them save money by giving them the tools to negotiate and helping them check they’re not over or under insured.

“Price comparison websites can massively simplify this process by comparing multiple insurers and products at once.

“If possible, it’s also best to pay the entire annual premium upfront to save on interest payments and even consider adding an experienced driver to the policy – just be careful the main driver actually drives the car the most.

“When looking for affordable insurance, it’s important for drivers to make sure they are not sacrificing protection in the event of accidents or unexpected situations.

“And remember, drivers must never give inaccurate information to help lower costs, this could void the coverage entirely.”

Quotezone.co.uk helps millions of drivers in the UK find savings on all sorts of motoring products including vanbreakdown and motorbike insurance.  

CompareNI.com can help drivers living in Northern Ireland.