Rwanda Bill to become law in ‘major illegal migration milestone’

Final phase of implementing the flagship policy WILL commence

UK government efforts to stop the boats and tackle illegal migration took a major step forward, after the Safety of Rwanda Bill completed its passage through Parliament overnight.

The Bill’s passing means the government can enter the final phase of operational planning to get flights off the ground to Rwanda, pioneering a new response to the global challenge of illegal migration.  

Robust operational plans are in place to ensure a first flight to Rwanda can be delivered within 10-12 weeks, with multiple flights set to take off after this.  

The landmark legislation means that going forward, Rwanda should be deemed a safe country for the purposes of relocating people, including in UK courts and tribunals.   

It will prevent legal challenges from being used to delay or halt a person’s removal to Rwanda on the grounds that Rwanda is generally unsafe, or that an individual will be returned to an unsafe country after removal to Rwanda – an act known as refoulement.    

The Bill makes it unambiguously clear that UK Parliament is sovereign, and the validity of any Act of Parliament is unaffected by international law. Ministers will be able to retain the decision on whether to comply with interim measures from the European Court of Human Rights, for example, a Rule 39 injunction.  


Home Secretary James Cleverly said:   ”This vital legislation means we can now proceed with our Rwanda plan and begin removing people with no right to be here.   

“The only way to stop the boats is to eliminate the incentive to come – by making clear that if you are here illegally, you will not be allowed to stay.   

“Our policy does exactly that and plans are well under way to begin flights within 10-12 weeks.”

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “The passing of this landmark legislation it not just a step forward but a fundamental change in the global equation on migration.

“We introduced the Rwanda Bill to deter vulnerable migrants from making perilous crossings and break the business model of the criminal gangs who exploit them. The passing of this legislation will allow us to do that and make it very clear that if you come here illegally, you will not be able to stay.

“Our focus is to now get flights off the ground, and I am clear that nothing will stand in our way of doing that and saving lives.”

The Westminster government is ready to deliver a first relocation flight and teams are working at pace to prepare. This includes: 

  • an airfield on standby and commercial charter planes booked for specific slots
  • detention spaces increased to 2,200
  • 200 trained dedicated caseworkers are ready and waiting to quickly process claims
  • the judiciary have made available 25 courtrooms to deal with any legal cases quickly and decisively
  • to escort illegal migrants all the way to Rwanda, we have 500 highly trained individuals ready, with 300 more trained in the coming weeks.

Responding to the concerns raised by the Supreme Court, the Safety of Rwanda Bill was introduced in December last year and builds upon the UK-Rwanda Treaty.  

Together, these measures and evidence of changes in Rwanda since summer 2022, will allow government to implement the policy, supporting the wider plan to stop the boats by removing the incentive to come here illegally.   

The new law, which is one of the toughest pieces of legislation ever introduced, builds upon the Treaty, reflecting the strength of the Government of Rwanda’s protections and commitments relocated to Rwanda in accordance with the Treaty. It also:   

  • confirms that, with the new Treaty, Rwanda is safe
  • prevents UK courts and tribunals from delaying or preventing a person’s removal to Rwanda on matters relating only to the general safety of Rwanda
  • allows for an exceptionally narrow route to individual challenge to ensure that the courts will interpret the relevant provisions in accordance with the will of Parliament
  • disapplies relevant sections of the Human Rights Act 1998
  • confirms that only a Minister of the Crown can decide whether to comply with an interim measure issued by the European Court of Human Rights.

In November 2023, the Supreme Court upheld the lawfulness of resettling illegal migrants for the purposes of determining their asylum claims, but required more assurance that they would not be refouled.   

The internationally binding Treaty between Rwanda and the UK was announced by the Government in response to this finding and introduces measures to make clear Rwanda will not return anyone to an unsafe country.   

Under the Treaty, Rwanda has also introduced a strengthened end-to-end asylum system, including a new, specialist asylum appeals tribunal to consider individual appeals against any refused claims. It will have two co-presidents, from Rwanda and from another Commonwealth country, and be made up of judges from a mix of nations. 

The Treaty also enhances the role of the independent Monitoring Committee, which will ensure adherence to obligations under the Treaty and have the power to set its own priority areas for monitoring.   

But this ‘significant step forward’ remains just one part of the government’s wider plan to stop the boats. Solid progress has been made, with the number of small boat arrivals falling by more than a third in 2023. UK Government work with international partners prevented more than 26,000 crossings last year, as well as helping to dismantle 82 organised crime groups since July 2020.   

Westminster’s new agreement with Albania has cut Albanian small boat arrivals by more than 90 per cent; and we recently signed a ground-breaking deal with Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, marking another crucial step in securing our borders.   

The Bill is expected to receive Royal Assent in the coming days.

In a statement on X, Migrant Voice campaigners said: “You cannot legislate to say that some people deserve fewer human rights than others.

“We remain absolutely opposed to the #RwandaBill, and stand in solidarity and support with all those who have been left more fearful for the future this morning, having come here seeking safety.”

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn commented: “The Rwanda Bill is a disgusting piece of legislation designed to demonise the world’s most vulnerable people.

“This government has done everything it can to make the lives of refugees even harder. What a sorry and shameful legacy to leave behind.”

Commenting on the passing of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, Edinburgh North and Leith MP Deidre Brock said: “I’m saddened by the UK Government’s actions in forcing through the Rwanda Bill last night.

“This shameful bill doesn’t just defy international law, it flies in the face of basic human decency. The UK which once proudly helped pen the refugee convention is now choosing to ignore its obligations. It has descended into gutter politics.

“My thoughts are with all those fleeing war and persecution who seek refuge on our shores. They should be met with empathy and compassion, not hostility.  I will continue to stand by them and do all I can to assist.

“We need to look at where the asylum system is failing and improve the safe legal routes into our country, to cut out the people smuggling gangs. Instead, the UK is stooping to their level with something akin to state sponsored people trafficking.

“As Burns put it, Man’s inhumanity to man, Makes countless thousands mourn.”

Council commits to record spending on Edinburgh’s broken roads

A record funding boost will see the biggest spend on improvements to the Capital’s roads and infrastructure projects in nearly a decade.

The Roads and Infrastructure Investment – Capital Delivery Priorities for 2024/25 report, to be considered by Transport and Environment Committee on Thursday (25 April), allocates an additional £12.5m approved in February as part of the Council’s budget-setting process.

The extra investment brings the total roads and infrastructure capital budget to £22.986m.

The additional £12.5m of funding will be used to improve the road conditions, pavements and improve paths, and is part of the council’s capital budget allocated across six different workstreams, including: road operations and structures, street lighting and traffic signals, carriageways and footways.

These schemes have been prioritised to the areas based on agreed criteria and weighting. 5% is applied to roads on the cycle network, promoting renewal schemes most used by cyclists. Edinburgh is the only local authority in Scotland to include such a weighting and reinforces the Council’s commitment to active travel.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said:“We’re committed to improving our roads, pavements and infrastructure. The latest injection in funding will allow us to significantly increase the number of improvement schemes to enhance the condition of our roads and pavements.

“In total, we will resurface over 400,000 square metres of roads and footpaths. Additionally, will spend £500,000 on reinforcing the carriageway at bus stops and will double our spending on dropping kerbs.

“This funding builds on last year’s record spend of £11m which saw improvements to more square metres of roads and pavements than in any other financial year. 

“Residents have shared their concerns regarding the state of our roads and footpaths, and we have listened. We need to get the basics right, and this intensive programme of investment is essential for a safe, usable network. While we won’t get footpaths and roads back to where we want them to be in one year, this investment will help get out capital back on track. Indeed, we hope to maintain this level of activity for at least three years.”

Other areas for investment are street lighting and traffic signals, for which £1.120m is being proposed for upgrades, and the city’s 3,366 bridges and road structures – £0.845m has been set aside for their maintenance, in addition to the major North Bridge refurbishment project which is due to complete in 2025.

Read the full report, Roads and Infrastructure Investment – Capital Delivery Priorities for 2024/25. 

Watch Transport and Environment Committee live via webcast from 10am on Thursday, 25 April.

RAC: Pothole-related breakdowns ‘spring’ forward by 50% in 2024

The RAC attended nearly 8,000 (7,904) breakdowns in the first quarter of 2024 due to bad road surfaces, up 53% on the last three months of 2023, a clear sign that the UK is suffering a pothole epidemic as roads continue to crumble.

Analysis from the driving services company shows it’s been far from a smooth start to the year for the nation’s drivers, with pothole-related breakdown numbers up by 10% in the last 12 months from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024. In this period, the RAC went out to 27,205 breakdowns, 2,299 more than the 24,906 incidents it attended between 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023.

But the RAC believes drivers may have actually ‘dodged the pothole bullet’ in what is normally the worst three months of the year for them. Milder weather led to patrol call-out rates dropping by 22% from 10,076 last year to 7,094 in 2024.

During the winter months, sub-zero temperatures normally cause more surface deterioration as water gets into cracks in the road, freezes and expands. In the first three months of 2024, while there was an average of 121mm of rain – 22% more than normal – the milder weather meant there were only seven days of frost, against the usual average of nine. This potentially limited the number of brand new potholes forming.

For this reason, the RAC doesn’t believe the decrease in pothole-related breakdowns – damaged shock absorbers, broken suspension springs and distorted wheels – is a sign of road conditions improving.

In fact the RAC Pothole Index, which measures the likelihood of suffering one of these call-outs, increased, meaning drivers are even more likely to experience damage now than they were 12 months ago.

And compared to 2006 when the RAC first began tracking these faults, drivers are now nearly twice as likely (1.76 or 76% more likely than 2006) to experience pothole damage.