Remembrance 23 – Connecting People, The Royal Scots and Dalkeith Palace

Royal Scots Remembrance Exhibition at Dalkeith Palace

From today, Saturday 4 to Wednesday 8 November 2023, The Royal Scots Museum, Edinburgh Castle, are bringing Remembrance 23, a free interactive exhibition, to Dalkeith Palace.  

This temporary exhibition has been specially designed to promote the strong connections between The Royal Scots (373 unbroken years of service – 1633 to 2006), the local regiment for Midlothian, and Dalkeith Palace, as well as the continuing relevance of Remembrance today.

The exhibition curators are especially keen to engage with the wide-ranging community of Midlothian by including fascinating military stories from soldiers from Edinburgh, the Lothians and Peebleshire, the heart of the old regimental recruiting area, that will appeal to visitors of all ages.  

8 RS take a ditch on the Moortdyjke Road and consolidate the position, 3rd November 1944.

Two of these stories, that have already created local interest, are from Lance Corporal Peter Burnett and Private Andrew Cornwall, 2 Battalion, The Royal Scots.  Their story focuses on the tragic sinking of the Japanese troop ship Lisbon Maru, sunk in the South China Sea on 01 October 1942.  Of the 1816 Prisoners of War aboard 828 perished, 183 of whom were Royal Scots.

After a recent appeal to the Midlothian community for information about Lance Corporal Peter Burnett and Private Andrew Cornwall, a living relative has been found and will attend the exhibition.  

The exhibition also includes living history films featuring former Royal Scots talking about their time in the regiment.  In one video, Rob Wainwright, one-time Medical Officer to the 1st Battalion, a former Captain of the Scottish rugby team, and capped for the British Lions, gives his take on serving in the armed forces and the impact of warfare on those who serve.  

Videos are available on YouTube: ttps://

Remembrance 23 will provide an opportunity to:

·       Visit Dalkeith Palace.

·       Explore the connections between Midlothian people, The Royal Scots and Dalkeith Palace.

·       Learn about the history of the local Regiment and remember why We Should Never Forget.

·       Watch Living History films. 

·       View displays and objects.

·       Research local veterans and medals.

·       Explore the history of The Royals Scots during the Boer War and the two World Wars.

·       Understand the continuing relevance of Remembrance.

The proud heritage and privilege of being Right of the Line has been taken forward by successors to The Royal Scots: The Royal Regiment of Scotland.

Remembrance 23 tickets are free but need to be booked online:

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