School Strikes: time running out to avert further action next week

Virtually every state Secondary school in Scotland closed yesterday teachers continue to strike in pursuit of a fair pay settlement.

Following Tueday’s highly successful strike in the primary sector, Secondary teachers and associated professionals turned out in huge numbers on picket lines and at demonstrations and rallies right across Scotland.

Amongst the demonstrations yesterday was a rally of teachers outside Bute House in Edinburgh, the official residence of the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon.

Commenting on Wednesday’s strike action, EIS General Secretary Andrea Bradley said: “Following Tuesday’s show of strength from primary teachers, today it is Scotland’s secondary teachers and associated professionals who are on strike and demanding that the Scottish Government and COSLA pay attention.

“Teachers really do not want to be out in the streets – in the cold, wind and rain – to seek a fair pay increase, but have been forced into this position by the inaction of the Scottish Government and COSLA on teacher pay.

“After dragging the negotiating process out for the best part of a year, the Scottish Government and COSLA only have themselves to blame for the situation we find ourselves in today.”

Ms Bradley added, “For six months, we have seen little or no progress in negotiations, with the Scottish Government and COSLA only reheating an old, already rejected offer, and attempting to sell it to teachers as new, fresh and appealing.

“Scotland’s teachers haven’t been fooled by the spin, and are now taking the only option that remains – the withdrawal of their labour – to seek a better, fairer offer on pay.

“It is only within the last week, with the second round of strike action looming, that we have seen some small signs that the Scottish Government and COSLA are prepared to work towards making an improved offer.

“Should a new, improved and credible, offer arrive in sufficient time, this will be considered by the EIS and our sister teacher unions in the hope that further strike action, scheduled to commence next week for 16 consecutive days, may yet be avoided.”

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