“It is said that the mark of a civilised society is how we treat our most vulnerable citizens; what does this say about our society?“

Homeless Project Scotland are holding a peaceful protest outside the Glasgow City Chambers in George Square this morning at 10:00 am.
A spokesperson for the campaign group explained: “The aim of the peaceful protest is simply to demonstrate to elected members that Homeless Project Scotland’s call for a building will not be ignored. Our soup kitchens are now becoming a service operating 7 days per week and are attracting over 200 members on average.
“We have asked Council Leader Susan Aitken and Scotland’s First Minister to bring our most vulnerable and those experiencing homelessness in doors to have warmth, care, compassion and nourishment that is essential to us all to survive. The time for talking is over. It is now the time to cut the keys.

“We are hearing time after time from people on social media outlets that we are bringing people into the city centre, in actual fact it is the council.
“Since 2020 the council has had 4 Glasgow Hotels all located walking distance from our current unit under the Central Station Bridge and indeed, the removal of dinner from these accommodations is, among the cost of living and the COVID-19 pandemic, to a sharp incline. Poverty is now becoming the fastest spreading epidemic and we need action now.
“Our peaceful assembly is welcome for everyone to come and partake in and is potentially going to the circuit Scotland’s Streets.

“Homelessness is not invisible, these are people, it is ridiculous that in this day and age that people are pushed to choose heat or eat. There is a tenfold increase in the number of service users we are seeing and a tenfold increase in the number of street outreach clients.
“It is said that the mark of a civilised society is how we treat our most vulnerable citizens; what does this say about our society? “
There will be refreshments and a good old fashioned Scots Broth Soup for those in attendance.