Transformative change is needed in order to protect and restore terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity in Scotland.
In light of mounting evidence that Scotland continues to experience dramatic declines in biodiversity, the Scottish Government is seeking views on its ambitious new strategy to halt nature loss by 2030 and reverse it by 2045.
A consultation on Scotland’s Biodiversity Strategy sets out the government’s long-term vision of what our natural environment needs to look like in 2045 in order to reverse biodiversity decline and protect our environment for the future. It contains a series of proposed outcomes setting out what needs to be done, and the conditions that must be in place, in order to achieve success.

Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater said: “We recognise that the interlinked crises of climate change and nature loss need urgent action across Government and society. That’s why we have recently established the £65 million Nature Restoration Fund, committed to expanding protected areas and our National Park network, and supported the expansion of the beaver population.
“But we know we can and must do more. Sadly the evidence tells us that Scotland, in common with the rest of the UK and the world, has not done enough over the two past decades to prevent the continuing decline in biodiversity.
“Our existing strategy, published in 2004, now needs a fundamental overhaul to address the new uncertainties we face as a result of the global climate emergency. In addition to high level strategic leadership, we will need responsible public and private investment to achieve our outcomes and an inclusive ‘whole-of-society’ approach that engages with communities, business and decision makers alike.
“This consultation is a key part of developing our new strategic approach. Biodiversity is important for everyone and I would encourage everyone to share their views and help us shape this crucial roadmap toward a better and more sustainable future for Scotland.”

Francesca Osowska, NatureScot’s Chief Executive, said: “The nature and climate crises cannot be overstated. We have reached a critical point where we must take ambitious action for nature now, and Scotland’s new biodiversity strategy gives us the best opportunity to do this.
“This national endeavour means that by 2045 we will have restored and enhanced biodiversity across our land and seas. Our plant and animal species will be richly diverse, resilient and adapting to climate change and everyone will understand the importance and value of nature.
“With global biodiversity targets being agreed at the upcoming COP15, there is no better time to start making this vision a reality.
“I strongly encourage people across Scotland; partners; communities and businesses, to get involved in the consultation and play a part in creating a nature rich, net-zero future for all.”
Scotland’s Biodiversity Strategy consultation