Introducing Leith Stories, a project by Leith For Ever, with an aim to build a living, contemporary digital archive of people’s stories and memories of Leith online – a people’s history, accessible to all.
Join Leith for Ever at one of two workshops during Leith Festival, and share your memories of Leith as it has been in your lifetime, and as it is now.
We’re looking for volunteers to tell us their Leith story and help us create a contemporary audio archive of recorded experiences – the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful, that can be shared and built upon over time.
These collected stories will be recorded and shared as audio clips along with a photograph of you on our website or other digital media. We aim to make this archive something that anyone can add their story to over time so that it becomes a growing, accessible documentation of experiences of the people living, working or otherwise visiting or spending time in Leith.
How does it work? How do I participate?
To take part, first book your place on the workshop time and venue of your choice.
We ask our volunteers to think about, and bring along, an object or image that connects you to Leith that you can use as a prompt during the workshop. We will also provide a box of prompt objects if you aren’t able to bring one, so don’t worry if you can’t think of one! We would like to thank The Living Memory Association for the kind loan of their objects. You can find out more about their work by visiting www.livingmemory.org.uk
On the day, please arrive at the venue 10-15 minutes early so we can get you signed in, and consent forms filled out before we start.
Once everyone is signed in we will go through some warm-up exercises as a group and explain how the recording will work.
Then we will ask each participant to share the object they have brought, and chat about what memories or experiences these bring up in conversation. It will be very informal and friendly. During this conversation, we will record the different stories being shared which will become the final, edited, audio recordings for our memory archive.
Following the discussion, each participant will have their photograph taken with their object. This image will be shown on our website or other digital media, alongside the final edited audio clips, and you will be sent a printed copy following the workshops.
We will provide refreshments on the day.
Terms and conditions:
Please be aware that these sessions will be filmed and recorded. We will ask for your consent for this if you choose to participate. We do not plan to share the film at this point in time, only the audio, however please be aware that the film may be used in future (e.g. if we do a documentary of the project in future) or shown to our funders as part of a record of our activity.
We will also be taking a photograph of each participant at the end of the session – A copy of this will be sent to you as a thank you for taking the time to share your stories…
Your contact details and information provided on sign up and consent forms will not be shared publicly, however your name and any information you share that is recorded during the workshop as part of the story-sharing process may be included in the final edit.
What kind of memories / stories are we looking for?
Anything and Everything! This is about sharing the everyday lives of people connected to Leith. ordinary people doing ordinary things – reflecting on life as it was and is for real people.
Here are some examples:
‘I remember we used to drink in the Pond. they had a big fish tank at the back of the room and they would hold BBQ’s out the back sometimes. My friend who lived near there moved away though and we stopped going. It closed during lockdown and new people took over and renamed it The Bullfinch. I’ll need to pop by one day and check it out.’
‘When I moved to Leith in 2011 there was practically no signage on the cycle paths. I kept taking the wrong turn at five ways junction and ending up at Goldenacre, or Lyndsay Road instead of the Water of Leith. It’s much better signed now though, and the path has been upgraded too.’
‘When I was about 12-13 the Ferry Road path didn’t exist. I grew up near trinity, and we used to go down to this green marshy jungle and pretend it was Dagobah from Star Wars. That would have been in the late 80’s. Now I use it to get to work.’
‘I remember that cases (cardboard) of whisky used to be exported via Leith to far off countries no doubt. Stealing bottles would not be an option as open cartons was a tad obvious, so dockers used to drop the cases ‘accidentally’ and then hold a cup at the bottom corner and wait till the whisky worked its way through. The cartons were then sent on their way looking untouched.’
The venue should be fully accessible. If you require someone to accompany you to the workshop to support you or allow you to participate (e.g. a carer/support worker or a translator), you do not need to book a ticket for them. Please contact us to let us know you will have an extra person with you.
Under 16’s
We welcome under 16’s who wish to participate in the workshop, however you must be accompanied by someone over the age of 18. If they will be participating please book a ticket for them, if they will accompany you without participating, please let us know they will be attending with you.
This event has been supported by the Year of Stories 2022 Community Stories Fund. This fund is being delivered in partnership between VisitScotland and Museums Galleries Scotland with support from National Lottery Heritage Fund thanks to National Lottery players.
Sessions will be held on :
Wednesday 15 June from 6 – 8.30pm at Leith Community Centre, Newkirkgate
Saturday 18 June from 2 – 4.30pm at Leith Dockers Club, Academy Street.