Help us develop plans for the next five years! Please join one of our online events to have your say:

Tues 7 June, 12-1:30pm:

Wed 8 June, 12-1:30pm:
2-3:30pm: https://eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-strategic-vision-for-nhs-lothian-tickets-337976124687…
Learn more: https://org.nhslothian.scot/Strategies/LSDF
The Lothian Health & Care System is refreshing its strategic direction, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Lothian Strategic Development Framework (LSDF) describes what we are trying to achieve, our current situation, the challenges we face and the direction of travel we propose to take.
The summary document is the core of the LSDF and gives an overview of our Framework. You can access it here.
An easy read version of this summary can be found by clicking the picture
We are keen to ensure the LSDF has captured all of the elements required to provide a credible strategy, and would like to hear your views. You can share your thoughts on the LSDF by emailing us at loth.lsdf@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
In particular, we would like to hear your responses to the following questions:
· Do you feel the LSDF addresses the issues that are most important? If not, why not?
· Have we missed anything really significant in the LSDF? If so, what?
· What, if any, or the proposals set out in the LSDF worry or concern you?
· What would you suggest that the Lothian Health & Care System could do to alleviate your concerns?
· Is there anything else you would like to tell us before we finalise our strategy?
You can also join us at one of the public sessions we are holding over the next few weeks. Your inputs from these sessions will help shape the new Framework.
To see dates and to register for one of these sessions, go straight to Meeting Dates.
A suite of supporting documents provides more detail on the concepts and initiatives explored in the summary document. All of these documents can be accessed below in the full version of the Framework:
- Lothian Strategic Development Framework – full version
- Lothian Strategic Development Framework – summary
- Presentation introducing the Lothian Strategic Development Framework
- This narrated presentation explains why we need the new Framework and what it aims to achieve. It also gives an overview of the Framework’s content