Operation Soteria: cracking down on motorcycle crime

POLICE have seen an increase in the number of incidents involving the antisocial use of motorcycles in the Niddrie area.

Operation Soteria was set up in 2016 and is Edinburgh City Division’s response to significant community concerns linked to the theft and antisocial use of motorcycles across the city.

Inspector Fordyce from Craigmillar Police Station said: “It concerns me that young people continue to put themselves and others at risk by riding motorcycles dangerously in our area. We will not tolerate this behaviour and we are committed to tackling the issue and targeting offenders who put local communities at risk through their reckless conduct.

“Operation Soteria involves dedicated resources targeting key areas in order to bring an end to this potentially life threatening behaviour and we will use both overt and covert tactics as part of this operation.

“We are also appealing to parents and carers and the wider public to assist us by reporting these instances which will help ensure that our resources focus in the right areas. If you know of any of the young people involved in this activity and you’re able to speak to them directly, then please make sure that they are fully aware or the risk they are posing both to the community and to themselves.

“As we head into the summer months, it is important that those involved in this sort of criminality are identified and traced. I would ask anyone with information regarding this kind of behaviour to share that information and help us keep the residents of Edinburgh and our visitors safe.”

Anyone with information about motorcycle crime or the dangerous use of motorcycles can speak to officers confidentially and anonymously on 101, or though the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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