A new study has revealed that Edinburgh is one of the top 5 most profitable UK cities for student landlords to invest in.
With the UK housing market continuing to grow and the rental sector booming, there are enticing opportunities in university towns for student landlords. Yet with 164 higher education options across the UK, which cities should landlords be looking to invest in?
We have worked with CIA Landlords to reveal The Best UK Cities for Student landlords. The student population of each city, the number of households and the average rent in student areas have all been analysed to find the most profitable opportunities for landlords.
- Edinburgh student landlords are making over £568,428,420 per year
- Edinburgh rental prices cost students an average of £1,285 per month, the 5th most expensive in the UK.
- Edinburgh has the 10th highest student population which accounts for over 15% of the city’s overall population.
UK general:
- London student landlords are making over £2.6 billion a year in revenue.
- Belfast was found to be the 2nd best city for student landlords to invest in the UK.
- Reading, Derby and Luton were found to be the least profitable cities.
- London has the highest rental prices averaging at £2,569 for students.
- Oxford and Bristol follow after London for the highest average student rental charges (£1,788 and £1,544 per month respectively).
You can find the full study on the following link: