Survey reveals Scots top tips for tackling the winter blues

With the winter months proving a depressing time for many, a new survey conducted by vape brand, blu, has revealed Scots’ favourite ways to boost their mood.

While the New Year may offer a ray of light for some in these dark times, the research shows that almost half of Scots (42%) feel their lowest in January and February.

Somewhat unsurprisingly for Scotland, the main reason for feeling low at this time of year is the dismal weather, with almost two thirds (61%) saying poor weather gets them down.

With a flurry of bad news around COVID-19 and the rising cost of living bombarding Scots 24/7, the news came a close second with half of respondents (51%) saying it has a negative effect on their mood, closely followed by money woes at 44%.

In a bid to combat all these negative vibes, the survey highlights the top ways the Scottish lift their mood and tackle the winter blues. Topping the list at half (50%) of respondents is listening to music, as they look for a way to escape from the doom and gloom experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With food and drink recognised by over half (58%) as having a positive impact on their mood, 42% of respondents say they’ll be eating tasty treats – it seems that healthy eating resolutions may have been put aside in a bid to feel better!

Socialising was seen by almost half (48%) as another great mood boosting tactic, with 42% looking to spend more time with friends and family.

Almost two fifths (36%) of Scots exercise in order to boost their mood, while over a quarter (28%) have an alcoholic drink to cope with the gloom, shedding any dry January resolutions. Indulging in a bit retail therapy was the choice of 19% of respondents.

Making a getaway from the workplace is another big focus with nearly a fifth of respondents (18%) booking time off work.

Colette Flowerdew-Kincaid, Digital Content Manager at blu says: “It’s great to see the resilient and positive approach people take in boosting their mood to battle winter blues.

“Listening to music topped the list. Seeing friends and family is another popular way to banish the blues, with many looking to make up for lost time due to COVID-19. The important thing is to recognise that we might be low in winter and to be kind to ourselves, as well as others.”

Research Summary

Top things that have a positive impact on mood:

·       Good weather – 73% Scotland / 76% UK

·       Food & Drink – 58% Scotland / 60% UK

·       Social life – 48% Scotland / 49% UK

Top things that have a negative impact on mood:

·       Bad weather – 61% Scotland / 60% UK

·       The news – 51% Scotland / 50% UK

·       Money situation – 44% Scotland / 44% UK

Top ways to lift your mood:

·       Listening to music – 50% Scotland / 49% UK

·       Spending time with friends and family – 42% Scotland / 40% UK

·       Eating something tasty – 42% Scotland / 38% UK

·       Do some exercise – 36% Scotland / 28% UK

·       Have an alcoholic drink – 28% Scotland / 23% UK

·       Retail therapy – 20% Scotland / 21% UK

·       Take time off work – 18% Scotland / 14% UK

For more top tips on how to beat the winter blues, check out the latest blog at

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