Don’t punish children for taking part in climate action, urges Children’s Commissioner

The Children and Young People’s Commissioner, Bruce Adamson has written to every Director of Education in Scotland urging them to support children taking part in the global climate strike tomorrow (Friday 24th September). 

In the letter the Commissioner stressed that children’s right to peaceful protest should be respected by adults and that a key part of education is to ensure that children are supported to develop an understanding of human rights and a respect for the natural environment.

Commissioner Bruce Adamson: “Student protests have been recognised as having a high educational value as they are often among the first experiences of public participation and human rights defence that children take. This activity can contribute to, rather than detract from children’s enjoyment of their right to education.”

Commending the positive approach some schools have taken to enable students to exercise their rights to peaceful assembly, participation and freedom of expression, he pressed that no punitive action be taken against children for striking. 

Commissioner, Bruce Adamson: “It is important that when children and young people take these peaceful and powerful actions, they are not silenced, discouraged or punished.

“I trust that you as education leaders will recognise the importance of this urgent global issue and will ensure that the children and young people taking part in climate strikes are given the support to which they are entitled.”

Acknowledging that striking may have a short-term impact on education, the Commissioner writes that: “Choosing to strike will undoubtedly have a short-term impact on children and young people’s school-based learning. However, their actions as human rights defenders in bringing attention to the threat of climate change and their demands for those in power to take action is part of their broader education.”

“We should recognise the courage that children and young people are demonstrating in their commitment to addressing climate change as an urgent and acute human rights issue.”

The Commissioner joined the calls of other global human rights leaders to support action including United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet. Children’s actions in climate justice have been recognised and supported by the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Scottish Parliament through its engagement of children in the Scottish Climate Assembly.

The Commissioner will be publishing a report on young climate activists’ right to protest in Scotland ahead of COP-26 and pressed the education leaders to support children this week and beyond. 

Commissioner, Bruce Adamson: “Children and young people do not have the same political or economic power as adults, but by acting as human rights defenders, raising their voices and demanding change, they are demonstrating the power of their voices. I urge you to respect and support children and young people’s right to peaceful protest.”

Urban greenspace benefits deprived and ethnic minority communities, research finds

While urban greenspace is often associated with improved mental health, new research has found the benefits are dependent on the characteristics of the population using the space – and their proximity to it.

Researchers at the James Hutton Institute and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) looked at the link between greenspace and prescription rates to treat mental health disorders across all Scottish towns with more than 10,000 residents.

They found a significant relationship between mental health and the amount of urban greenspace in areas with high proportions of people from black and minority ethnic and/or in areas of high deprivation.

However, the link between lower prescription rates and greenspace in these communities was only evident when looking at those spaces in the immediate neighbourhood. When considering greenspace within a 30-minute walk, no significant relationship was found between greenspace and mental health disorders.

This suggests that the mental health benefits of greenspace for these groups occur where it is closest to home – with previous research finding they are often the least likely to use their nearest greenspace.

Researchers found no significant relationship between mental health and green space in all other population groups.

The research, which has been published by the Urban Forestry & Urban Greening journal, will provide valuable information for urban and land-use planning, where decisions are taken at the population level.

The lead author Dr Michaela Roberts, Environmental Economist at the James Hutton Institute, said: “Our work supports the broad supposition that greenspace and mental health are positively related, and adds further support for the need to understand a populations’ relationship with greenspaces, to ensure urban greening achieves the highest gains for communities.”

Co-author Alistair McVittie, Ecosystem Services Economist at SRUC, said: “Our results highlight that the relationship between greenspace and mental health relies not only on the presence of greenspace itself, but also on the characteristics of the population using the greenspace.”

The research was funded by the Scottish Government’s Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services Division.

Army called in to help tackle Scotland’s ambulance crisis

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf has confirmed that more than 100 military personnel will be drafted in to help tackle the ambulance crisis. He also told MSPs that additional funding of £20 million will be invested in the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) to help improve response times, alleviate pressures and improve staff wellbeing.

In a statement to Parliament, Mr Yousaf announced:

  • assistance from more than 100 military personnel – 88 drivers and 15 support staff – following final approval by the Ministry of Defence. Personnel are expected to begin deployment from this weekend onwards.
  • around 100 2nd year paramedic students to help in ambulance control rooms
  • more Hospital Ambulance Liaison Officers at the busiest A&Es, increasing from 11 to 20 – helping ensure timely admission of patients at A&E and reduce ambulance waiting times
  • additional help from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in the form of volunteer drivers, as well as the British Red Cross and private transport companies where clinically appropriate
  • immediate work to create temporary admission wards in hospitals, meaning patients can be admitted quicker
  • additional senior clinical input in ambulance control rooms and to assist and speed up decision-making on mental health, addictions, falls, breathing difficulties, high intensity users and trauma
  • £500,000 to fund staff wellbeing measures
  • 14 additional staff members in Highland to reduce the on-call requirement in Campeltown, and remove it completely in Fort William, Kirkwall and Broadford.

Tuesday’s funding announcement comes in addition to £20 million already announced as part of the NHS Recovery Plan. That investment will deliver a net increase of almost 300 ambulance service staff by April 2022.

Mr Yousaf said: “The global pandemic has created the most challenging crisis in the history of the NHS. Ambulance services around the UK, as well as the wider NHS, are experiencing unprecedented demand – largely because of COVID-19, but also due to a combination of increasingly complex cases, and exceptionally busy emergency departments.

“The Scottish Ambulance Service is the heartbeat of our NHS. It has a unique role in engaging with all parts of the health and social care system across the whole of Scotland – 24 hours of every day. It is vital that we ensure it has the support it needs to perform this crucial role.  

“The additional investment I have set out today means that the Scottish Ambulance service’s frontline budget for this year is more than 16% higher than it was last year. The measures we have announced today will begin to address some of these issues, both improving the level of service for the public, and also helping to reduce the pressure on the workforce, who are doing so much to serve the public during these incredibly demanding times.”

Time to Play!

BPS survey reveals high level of parents’ fears about effect of pandemic on primary school playtime

A survey for the British Psychological Society (BPS) has revealed that more than three-quarters of parents of primary-aged children believe play is now more than or just as important as academic catch-up, amid fears the pandemic has reduced opportunities for their children to engage in playtime at school.

Almost all parents who responded to the BPS survey said access to playtime in the primary school day was important for their children (96 per cent).

Yet research shows that since 1995, children’s break times in the school day have been reduced by 45 minutes a week, resulting in eight out of ten children now having less than one hour of physical activity per day.*

As a result of the findings, the BPS is launching a Time to Play campaign to put more play back in the school day, restore the playtime eroded and reverse the negative impact on children’s wellbeing and development.

The YouGov survey, commissioned by the BPS, had more than 1,500 respondents from across the UK. Key findings include:

  • 96 per cent of parents surveyed said access to playtime in the school day was either very important (79 per cent) or important (17 per cent) for their children
  • 79 per cent of parents said play was more important or equally as important as academic catch up for their children post-pandemic.
  • 69 per cent were very or fairly concerned that the pandemic has impacted on the opportunities their children have for unstructured playtime at school.
  • 61 per cent ranked social development as the most important benefit of play to their child.

Dr Dan O’Hare, co-chair of the BPS Division of Educational and Child Psychology, said:  “It’s clear from the survey findings that play is valued highly by parents. We now need the government to take bold action and prioritise school playtime for our children’s development.

“This isn’t an ‘ask’ for more playtime, it’s about reclaiming what has been lost. There needs to be adequate support, funding and resources for teachers who are already under increasing pressure to deliver the curriculum.”

The campaign will urge the government to put back 10 minutes each day onto school playtime, effectively reversing the years of decline by restoring 50 minutes spread over a week.

In June this year, in a Statement to Parliament on the education recovery programme, the previous Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said the next stage of the government’s recovery plan would include a review of time spent in school and college. The findings of the review are scheduled to be set out this year.

Against this backdrop, the BPS is calling for a focus on unstructured, child-led play in school, highlighting its benefits including aiding social development, problem solving and physical development as vital priorities alongside academic catch-up. 

Dr O’Hare added: “We know that pre-pandemic children’s playtime has been eroded and now, against the landscape of ‘academic catch up’ after lockdowns, closures and pressure on children and schools, this issue is even more urgent.

“Reduced opportunities to play will likely have a negative impact on the wellbeing and development of children, and it is vital that we don’t forget that children have also missed out on play with their friends, physical activity and fun.

“It’s important to understand the role play has in children’s development to really understand why we are campaigning to get more play in the school day. Play is fundamental to children’s health and wellbeing. It can develop children’s skills in coping with challenge, facing uncertainty and how to be flexible and adaptable to different circumstances.

“The intrinsic value of play is that it brings entertainment, enjoyment and freedom to children. It is important that there are opportunities for all children to have high quality play throughout the school day, regardless of their needs, skills and abilities.”

For further campaign information:

Get Active! NEAT community events to enjoy this weekend

North Edinburgh Active Travel Network are hosting a number of events this weekend to promote active travel.

See poster for more information – we hope you find an activity to take part in.

North Edinburgh Arts are hosting a Dr Bike Session on Saturday either in MacMillan Square or in the Shed if the weather is poor.

We hope to see you at one of these events!

Ocean Terminal launches online public exhibition

Ocean Terminal has launched an online exhibition to provide local residents with the opportunity to learn more about the proposed redevelopment of the centre and its £100m plans to open up the Leith waterfront for the community.

Put forward by the centre’s Scottish owners, Ambassador Group, the proposal to remodel the 20-year-old centre builds on their vision to create a destination that reflects the needs and aspirations of the people who live and work in Leith and north Edinburgh, adding to the wider regeneration of the area.

With ambitions to maximise the potential of the location with a dramatic streetscape facing the Firth of Forth, Ambassador Group plans to reconfigure the building, with new mixed-used indoor and outdoor space, achieved by the demolition of the existing north multistorey car park and the former Debenhams store.

The exhibition ( is designed to illustrate Ambassador’s strategy for the transformation of the site and will be an opportunity for local people to have their say on the proposals as plans are shaped ahead of the submission of a full planning application early next year.

There will be a chance to put questions to the project team today (Thursday 23 September) between 12 noon and 8pm. The deadline for comments through the feedback form is 8th October.

 A second exhibition, which will present more detailed proposals, is planned for later in the year before a full planning application is submitted to City of Edinburgh Council in early 2022.

Chris Richardson, Managing Director of Ambassador Investments, who is leading the £100m project for Ambassador Group, said: “The regeneration of Leith, with the extension of the tramline to Newhaven and new housing, has allowed us to evolve our ambitions for the centre to create a destination that sits at the heart of this new community.

“Over the pandemic, we’ve seen how local people have relied on Ocean Terminal as a place to connect and with the move towards the idea for 20-minute neighbourhoods, with services, shops, bars, restaurants and leisure facilities all on the doorstep, there is an opportunity to reimagine the entire space.

“At the same time, and as part of the broader issues that face us, we are committed to climate change mitigation and the promotion of sustainability, in line with City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Government net zero targets, through the use of energy efficient materials and low carbon energy generation. The redevelopment allows us to embrace this going forward.

“The online exhibition is an opportunity for people to understand our approach, to ask questions and offer feedback. We want to hear what people think as we continue to develop the plans.”

Barratt Homes to transform disused land in Leith

Derelict brownfield land in Leith is set to be transformed into two new five-star housing developments by Barratt Homes.

The UK’s largest housebuilder has started construction of 212 homes on Baltic Street and plans for a 115 home development on South Fort Street are well underway. Named Merchant Quay and Heron Bank respectively, the new developments are expected to generate nearly 60 new jobs and create positions for at least five apprentices.

The construction of Heron Bank and Merchant Quay will also serve to boost the local economy; an economic footprint calculation predicts the developments will add more than £30m in financial output over their build period.

Both developments will also revitalise brownfield sites, with Merchant Quay previously housing a builders yard and Heron Bank home to a steel fabrication company. The regeneration these developments provide will only add to the already booming metropolitan progression of Leith.   

Building in these areas will also provide a significant contribution of much needed Affordable Housing units; Merchant Quay will deliver 43 plots, a mix of one, two and three-bed apartments, in collaboration with Port of Leith Housing Association, and Heron Bank will provide 24 units, the mix of which will be determined throughout the planning process.

Barratt Homes has established itself as one of the biggest contributors to Edinburgh’s Affordable Housing Policy, with over 1,000 units constructed to date.

Alison Condie, managing director for Barratt Homes East Scotland, said: “We have a long and proud association providing housing in the east of Scotland and Barratt is a popular and trusted source of five-star quality homes for buyers.

“We’re looking forward to expanding our offering in the region with these new developments on South Fort Street and Baltic Street, and helping to regenerate these locations.”

Work on both developments is now underway and it is expected that opportunities to move into one, two and three-bedroom apartments in Leith will be available in early 2022.

Further details and updates on Merchant Quay and Heron Bank are available on the Barratt Homes website.

From the Past to the Future

Granton Heritage Exhibtion this weekend

The history hub have prepared a series of displays that include unique photographs on Granton’s industries, the Madelvic Car Factory, Granton harbour and Granton castle, transport as well as agriculture.

We are also delighted that Edinburgh City Council have their Waterfront Development Information Displays available, outlining the detailed plans for the local area.

This is truly be a unique community event showing how Granton has developed over the years, with visions about its future.

We also have an art sale of work by 13 artists celebrating local scenery and heritage, complementing the heritage displays.

The event is free, no booking required.

Opening times are Saturday 11-4pm and Sunday 11-2pm.

Please note there is a (seated) talk between 2-4pm during which we are unable give access to the general public.

Poverty Alliance events in October

With Challenge Poverty Week fast approaching we wanted to let you know about a couple of events the Poverty Alliance are organising during the week …

Challenge Poverty Lecture: Baroness Ruth Lister

5th October, 6.30pm

Across a distinguished career as a campaigner and academic Baroness Professor Ruth Lister has explored how we understand and conceive poverty, and how these understandings impact both the experience of poverty and our responses to it. Recurring themes in her work include the connection between poverty and human rights; the differential experiences of poverty; discourses of poverty, in particular the experience of ‘othering’.

For the Challenge Poverty Lecture 2021 Professor Lister will explore these themes and what they mean for addressing poverty in Scotland during and after the pandemic.

This year’s lecture will take place online. For more information and to register please click here

Rights in Recovery: Protecting Rights and Tackling Poverty After Covid

Poverty Alliance Annual Conference

8 October 2021, 9.45am-2pm

As we now look forward towards a period of recovery from the pandemic, this conference will consider how we can both tackle poverty and ensure that the human rights of those who have been most affected can be protected and extended. The discussions at the conference will be used to feed into the development of the Scottish Government’s Child Poverty Delivery Plan, as well as the informing the new Human Rights Bill.

Speakers include John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Covid Recovery Plans, Professor Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights,  Judith Robertson, Chair of the Scottish Human Rights CommissionBruce Adamson, Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland, and Moira Tasker, CEO of Inclusion Scotland.

For full details and to register please click here

New roof for The Dome’s Rose Street Garden?

The owners of The Dome in Edinburgh have said they hope the planning committee approve plans for a new roof for their Rose Street Garden this week to ensure income for the famous venue and help them meet rising upkeep and maintenance costs.

Owners of The Dome say having the Rose Street Garden unable to trade due to do unpredictable weather conditions is putting a great strain on the business.  A roof would allow the Garden to be used in all weathers, maximising customers space following the Covid-19 pandemic and helping The Dome meet upkeep and maintenance costs that are increasing on an annual basis.

But Council planners have recommended that the Development Management Sub Committee reject the application, despite no objections from community councils or members of the public and 27 submissions supporting the move indicating they believed it would be a positive addition to the building. 

The Dome management are puzzled planners that Historic Scotland (HES), have recommended refusal when a similar application was granted in 1999 with no objection from HES.

Commenting on the report from the Planning Officers, The Dome management said: “The Dome is an iconic Edinburgh building and an attraction in its own right. 

“Our application for a retractable glass roof to the rear of the property is similar to one approved in 1999.  It means we can make better use of the space on Rose Street and adapt to the changing demands of our customers who more and more want safe outdoor space.

“Approving this roof will allow The Dome to continue as one of Edinburgh’s Premiere venues and tourist attractions.  We hope the planning committee would give consideration to the points we have made above.”