Operation Boxy: policing the Pentlands

Operation Boxy will run in the Pentland Hills Regional Park from 5 July to 31 July 2021 and will focus on the Edinburgh side of the hills: Bonaly Country Park, Harlaw, Torduff, Clubbiedean and Threipmuir reservoirs/areas.

This Operation involves partnership working between Police Scotland, the Pentland Hills Regional Park (PHRP) team, Scottish Water and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

The purpose of the Operation is to combat anti-social behaviour and encourage responsible access and use of the Pentland Hills, including the reservoirs.

There will be daily patrols during this time where Police Officers and PHRP Officers will engage with members of the public with the purpose of education and prevention – but, where necessary, there will be enforcement of the law.

To report any criminal issues please call 101, 999 in an emergency, and advise the call handler that the call relates to ‘Operation Boxy’.

Using the ‘what3words’ smartphone application is proving extremely effective in pinpointing exact locations.

Visiting reservoirs in the Pentland Hills

Please follow our advice on how to access reservoirs safely and responsibly:

Be safe: reservoirs are dangerous places to swim – read our safety advice and be aware of the risks. Note Blue-green algae bloom warnings.


Be considerate: keep clear of anglers – do not enter the water or let your dog in the water near anglers fishing from the bank and do not approach boats in the water. A fishing line can be cast out several metres from the angler.

Share the space: remember whatever your chosen activity is, either on the water or on the reservoir shores, that you share this space with others. Respect each other and give each other space.

Leave no trace: always take your litter to the nearest bin or home with you.

Respect wildlife: reservoir shores and islands are often preferred locations for some ground nesting birds. Avoid nesting sites during the breeding season (Apr-Jul), tread carefully and do not linger if birds sound repeated alarm calls.


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Edinburgh reporter and photographer