Back to business at Holyrood

Newly elected MSPs are to be sworn in at Holyrood tomorrow (Thursday 13 May). The oath-taking and affirmations will be the first item of business in the new five-year session of the Scottish Parliament. 

Holyrood’s newly elected MSPs will then elect a new Presiding Officer for the Scottish Parliament. The election also takes place on the first day of parliamentary business for the Parliament’s sixth session.

Members must pledge their allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen before they can take part in any other parliamentary business at Holyrood. 

Leader of the largest party, Nicola Sturgeon, will be the first to be sworn in at 9.00am, followed by the other party leaders, and remaining MSPs in four groupings and in alphabetical order.  Outgoing Presiding Officer, Ken Macintosh, will preside over the oath-taking proceedings.

Following the swearing in of MSPs, a Presiding Officer and two deputies must be elected before any other parliamentary business is progressed at Holyrood.

Once all MSPs are sworn in, the Presiding Officer will suspend the meeting of the Parliament until circa 2.10pm when the election of a new Presiding Officer will take place.

The first duty of the newly elected Presiding Officer will be to preside over the election of his/her two deputies. The election of two Deputy Presiding Officers will take place at 10.30am on Friday 14 May.

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