Police chief: Stick to the rules

Edinburgh City Divisional Commander, Chief Superintendent Sean Scott, has released a statement regarding the #Coronavirus restrictions:

“I would like to thank the vast majority of people who are sticking to the rules to suppress the spread of coronavirus.

“The sacrifices people have made have allowed some restrictions around travel and gatherings to be eased from Friday.

“We are going to see increased traffic on our roads and if you are visiting beauty spots then I would urge you to please do so safely and respectfully – leaving no trace of your visit. Please also park responsibly to allow emergency access.

“I would also remind people that under the new restrictions, gatherings are limited to six people from six households meeting outdoors only.

“Our approach throughout the pandemic has been to engage with the public, explain the legislation and encourage compliance, but we will not hesitate to use our enforcement powers as a last resort.

“This approach will continue as restrictions continue to be eased over the coming months.”

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