From today, Thursday 10 December 2020, applications are invited from the dance, theatre and multi artform sector for a share in £600K National Lottery funding through Creative Scotland, for live performance tours from Spring 2021.
In this latest round of theTheatre and Dance Touring Fund, applications are invited from Scotland-based dance and theatre artists, companies and organisations, independent dance and theatre producers and venues, for the making and touring of new work or the restaging of previous work for presentation to live audiences under Covid-19 restrictions, in a minimum of three locations across Scotland.

Iain Munro, Creative Scotland’s CEO said: “Supporting Scotland’s theatre and dance touring infrastructure is important, helping high quality theatre in Scotland to flourish and creating opportunities for more people across the country to experience and enjoy it.
“Made possible by the generosity of National Lottery players who raise £30 million for good causes across the UK every week, this round of the Theatre and Dance Touring Fund responds directly to the challenging position that theatres, venues, producers, artists, companies and their audiences are in due to the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Creative Scotland is also seeking five external panel members to work alongside Creative Scotland staff to decide the successful applications in this round of the Fund.
Panel members will be expected to hold credible professional knowledge and expertise of the Theatre and Dance Touring sector in Scotland, either from a programming perspective or as a maker/producer of touring work.
The Deadline for applications is 12 noon, Thursday 7 January 2021 through the Scottish Government e-Tendering System, Public Contracts Scotland.