Annual General Meeting – Thursday 19th November 2020 Apologies for an error in the last mailing which wrongly stated the date of the AGM. This will take place on Zoom at 7pm until 9pm on Thursday 19th November 2020. Papers will be available up to the meeting at EACC Documents on the website. For those wishing to join the meeting please book a place by emailing admin@edinburghcommunitycouncils.org.uk The Zoom details will be sent no later than 24hours before the meeting for those registered to attend. We request that only the nominated Community Council representative plus one other attend to keep numbers manageable. The Office Bearer nomination form is also available on the website in EACC Documents and also attached here in MSWord and PDF format. Nominations close at midday on Tuesday 17th November 2020. It is hoped that a presentation by a senior CEC officer informing on plans to take the City forward currently and after the pandemic will follow the business meeting. Further details to follow. We have also published a document, On video conferencing: guidance from the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) which is available to download HERE Kind regards Simon Holledge Secretary, Edinburgh Association of Community Councils secretary@edinburghcommunitycouncils.org.uk |

A message to Community Councils from Living Streets Edinburgh Group: Living Streets Edinburgh Group is very interested in working with community councils in any part of Edinburgh. In particular, we would be keen to join in any local ‘walkabouts’ or possibly more formal street audits with the aim of identifying ways to improve streets for ‘everyday walking’. While this is obviously not a good time for such activity, please get in touch if your community council is interested in this some time in the future: edinburghgroup@livingstreets.org.uk. We are also of course keen to hear from any individuals who would like to get more involved in our work or who may be interested in taking forward local walking projects of any kind. David Hunter, Convenor, Living Streets Edinburgh Group |
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