Douglas Ross: stump up the cash to save football clubs

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross has proposed a new Fans Fighting Fund to help keep football clubs afloat.

Douglas, who is also an assistant referee, is calling for the Scottish Government to match the money that fans raise to save their local teams, as many clubs warn that they will struggle to get through the next few months without funding support.

On Friday, Douglas held a discussion with 24 clubs across each of Scotland’s top divisions to hear about their concerns.

Douglas has previously held similar Roundtable Scotland events with teaching unions, drug recovery organisations and business groups.

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: “On Friday, I spoke with representatives of 24 clubs across Scotland to hear about the perilous state of the game. Clubs told me that they’re on the brink without paying punters in the stadium.

“I’ve taken away a range of issues from the meeting that I want to look at further but this initial suggestion could provide some immediate help.  

“I’m proposing that we help clubs out, especially those smaller clubs embedded in communities, with a Fans Fighting Fund. I’d like to see the government commit to matching what fans raise to keep their clubs alive.

“The money from the UK Government is there. The SNP received £97 million to protect culture venues from the impact of Covid and haven’t spent at least £10 million of it. And we all know in Scotland that football is our culture, even more than comedy clubs or theatres.

“As long as clubs commit to paying the living wage and those who can chip in too, this is a fair deal to support football.”

 Lothian MSP Miles Briggs said: “Many clubs throughout Edinburgh and the Lothians are in real financial difficulty without any income from supporters.

“This initial proposal would go along way in keeping clubs afloat during what is going to be a very challenging season.

“SNP Ministers must take this proposal seriously to ensure that clubs throughout the region have a fighting change of making it to next season.”

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