NHSGGC’s Director of Public Health has produced a helpful video for parents worried about when to get their children tested for Covid.
Dr Linda de Caestecker worked with Glasgow City Council on the video, after a dramatic rise in requests for tests for children after the schools returned in mid August.

Dr de Caestecker said: “The idea of the video is to explain in some detail the work that goes on in Public Health when a positive case is confirmed in a particular school.
“In each case a Public Health doctor will work with teachers, the headteacher of the school and the Education Department to carefully calculate who are close contacts of a case.
“There is also lots of information in the video about the symptoms to look out for and who does and does not need to be tested.
“I really do understand the anxiety that some parents may have but it’s vital we make sure the system is not overloaded. This means it’s really important to keep those testing slots for the people who really need them.
“I hope parents find the video reassuring in what are fairly uncertain times. The NHS inform website is another great source of information – www.nhsinform.scot.”
The video can be found at: www.nhsggc.org.uk/covid/schoolsvideo