Police advice for business owners

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Advice for Business Owners

#COVID19 has had an unprecedented effect on public health and the way we now socially interact. This has had a significant impact on the commercial sector.We would like to share some general crime prevention advice that may help and assist you during what is an uncertain time for all businesses.

The impact on business will vary and will naturally be defined by your business location, size, customer base, products and services offered, criminality in the area, and your existing levels of security.

If your staff fall victim to an assault or witness violence in your premises:

  • Try to remain calm and think of your safety and that of others.
  • If the perpetrator has left the premises, record accurate descriptions, including any vehicles used, and report this to the police as soon as possible.
  • Trust your instincts and maximise distance between yourself, customers, colleagues and any aggressive parties.
  • Use panic alarms if it is appropriate to do so. If there is a panic alarm installed use it, but only when safe to do so.
  • Consider the use of body worn video technology to capture evidence and positive impact the behaviour of those involved in violence on your premises.
  • Closed Premises/Venues that have been temporarily shut:
  • Test your intruder alarm, ensure it is working and fully operational.
  • Identify any vulnerable areas and rectify this if required.
  • Ensure security gates, bollards and fire exit doors have been secured prior to closure of the premises.
  • Ensure service doors are closed and locked when not in use.
  • Make sure you have list of key holders who can be contacted in times of emergency and ensure your contact details for staff are up to date.
  • Consider moving high value items into secured stockrooms and/or out of view.
  • Ensure keys to the premises or other venues are not left inside and are instead with dedicated key holders.
  • Consider timer switches or ensure sufficient lighting is left on at the premises/surrounding area.
  • Ensure there are no combustible materials left in the proximity of the building such as packaging – consider the risk of fire.
  • Review your CCTV to confirm it is operational, provides good quality images, and is positioned to cover as much of the building’s public and private areas as possible.
  • Ensure that no cash or valuables are retained on the premises overnight and leave a note indicating this on the door or window of your premises. If having to retain cash on site then do so using a security accredited safe bolted or ‘ground anchored’ to the floor.
Physical Protective Measures:
  • Use security rated products where possible. You can find information on a variety of police approved crime prevention products at www.securedbydesign.com
  • External shutters and grilles are recommended but some buildings may be subject to local authority planning approval before installation.
  • Ensure all doors leading from public to staff, service, and loading areas are kept secure and monitored.
  • Consider installation of laminated glass or apply security film to existing glass to make your windows more resistant to physical attack.
  • An insurance rated safe should be bolted to the floor. Anti-tamper sensors can be fitted to set off an alarm if attacked.
  • Anti-ram security tested (retractable) bollards can be mounted externally to protect frontages but may require local authority planning approval.
  • Consider use of anti-theft alarms on most desirable household items.
  • Fogging devices that activate as a result of an intruder activation may also be beneficial – you can’t steal what you can’t see.
Large gatherings/Queuing:
  • Premises should be adequately staffed with prominent management present who can make decisions or be identifiable to emergency services.
  • Consider an allocation system or queuing to provide items that are provided on a limited basis – or possible keeping these off shop floor for collection.
  • “Meet and Greets” on main entrances provide reassurance, customer care and can be a subliminal message to any prospective thieves.
  • Where possible SIA licensed security officers should have a visible presence on the premises in strategic areas.
  • All prominent / desirable household item areas should have a member of staff regulating them and depending on your risk assessment, consideration given to deploying security (or trained staff) into these areas.
  • Reassurance to customers, some of whom may be anxious, is key to reduce anti-social behaviour. Ensure that all staff are fully briefed each day, on emergency procedures and working practices.
  • All staff should remain vigilant and report any violence or suspicious activity to the police.
  • Consider minimising the number of entry points to your building in concert with fire exits.
  • Ensure building perimeters are clear of any debris, dustbins, ladders or loose tools and equipment that could be used to assist or force entry.
  • Check that your emergency equipment/grab bags, first aid supplies and radio communication systems are well equipped, maintained, and fully operational.
  • Check and test your building security and emergency systems regularly.
For further advice contact your local police station, local Crime Prevention Officer at EdinburghPreventandIntervent@Scotland.pnn.police.uk, or visit our website at www.scotland.police.uk
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