Obituary: Fet-Lor’s Jim Fisher

I have been asked to do this post by Mary but it is tinged with great sadess and regret. Jim Fisher, ex Fet-Lor Manager, British Table Tennis Coach & Steel Worker has passed away yesterday afternoon aged 86 (writes GEORGE REAVLEY).

Jim had been fighting recurring lung infections and was in hopital several times recently. He was Fet Lor Manager for many years and had a positive influence on thousands of children, young people and adults.

He had a vision for Fet and at one point, the club was open 7 days a week!

It was indeed a vocational job for Jim, who regularly worked longer hours than he should have. He developed Fet Lor into an important safe place for young people to go and enjoy themselves. A safe haven for children to develop.

Jim had a ‘my way or the highway’ approach to getting things done! However, he never believed you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks! He often said “if you don’t use it, you lose it!” which resonates with me!

Jim will be sorely missed by his adoring wife Mary, who was a vital part of this dynamic duo who made Fet Lor such a successful centre.

Please remember Mary (doll) in your prayers at this trying time. Thanks for all the memories and opportunities that you gave to so many people, Jim.

You will be sorely missed.

George Reavley

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer

4 thoughts on “Obituary: Fet-Lor’s Jim Fisher”

  1. Jimmy was my table tennis coach 40 years ago in the Bellshill steelworks .The group he took loved him for his knowledge, enthusiasm and sense of humour. Quite a few have had a lifelong love for the game , helped in no small part by his encouragement . Young people don’t always show it at the time but then look back with great respect on these role models who showed you how to lead a decent life . We didn’t know of his second act as an inspiring youth leader but were not surprised .
    One of life’s great guys . Thanks .

  2. Tremendous pillar of the community. It’s important our community and youth work sector always remember the dedication that’s come before to enable our capacity today. rip.

  3. This is such sad news. I got involved in FetLor towards the end of Jim’s leadership. I don’t know how the club could have survived – never mind thrive – without the Jim and Mary double act. Jim always said it straight – even if it was painful to hear – because he cared totally about the kids. The club and its members, past and present, are hugely grateful for the service and dedication Jim gave. His integrity, care and passion will live on in the thousands of young people he helped.

    1. Sad news a man who gave many a chance in life and showed if you put in the work everything was possible not seen him or Mary since leaving fet in 1978 my thought with Mary and young Jim at this time

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