Leith Walk set for more diversions as tram work gathers pace

The main phase of construction work to take the trams to Newhaven will begin on Leith Walk next month. The city council says the construction strategy will ‘build on lessons learned to minimise disruption.’

The Trams to Newhaven project team, along with the Infrastructure and Systems Contractor (Sacyr, Farrans, Neopul JV) and Swept Path Contractor (Morrison Utility Services), has drawn on lessons learned from the first stage of the project, as well as good practice from other European cities, to develop a construction strategy.

This will involve Leith Walk being reduced to one city bound lane between London Road and Crown Place for the duration of the works, which will begin on 28 March and are scheduled to be completed by Summer 2021.

The team’s approach will involve the establishment of large work sites to allow both utility works and tramway construction to take place at the same time, resulting in fewer traffic management changes for those affected.

Sharing information with residents and businesses as the project progresses
Letters are being delivered to residents and businesses to share information on traffic management, bin collection arrangements, cycling access and diversions for bus services.

Logistics hubs will be set up along the street to help businesses with deliveries and dispatches, as well as residents expecting large deliveries. A Support for Business package has also been devised in consultation with local businesses.

The first phase of the project is already well underway on Constitution Street, where the excavation of the road is being carried out to allow utility diversions, tracklaying and the installation of tram infrastructure.

The city’s ruling SNP-Labour ‘Capital Coalition’ are united in their support of the next stage of the controversial trams project, despite huge pressure on council budgets. 

Last week the Capital Coalition voted through yet more cuts to essential council services. The Council will make required savings of £35m over the next 12 months and planned savings of around £87m over the next three years.

Transport and Environment Convener, SNP Councillor Lesley Macinnes, said: “We are about to reach a major milestone in the project to take the trams to Newhaven, as we prepare for the main phase of works on Leith Walk.

“We are already progressing well with the first phase of the project on Constitution Street and the Trams to Newhaven team have been working closely with contractors and transport operators to plan this next crucial stage.

“We will continue to engage with residents and businesses to keep them up-to-speed with plans as the project progresses.”

Transport and Environment Vice Convener, Labour Councillor Karen Doran added: “This is a transformational project for the city as a whole, but we’re aware of the particular impact this work will have on the people living nearby.

“That’s why our team has been making every effort to share information on the process, as well as providing support to adapt to the changes for residents and businesses.”

Construction schedule

Construction will begin on Leith Walk on Saturday, 28 March while additional work will begin along the route during March. Full details of ongoing work and work scheduled to begin this spring are:

London Road to Crown Place – starting 28 March 2020, scheduled to complete Autumn 2021

Ocean Drive – starting 13 March 2020, scheduled to complete Autumn 2020
Newhaven to Melrose Drive – starting 6 March 2020, scheduled to complete Summer 2021

Queen Charlotte Street to Constitution Place – ongoing, scheduled to complete Autumn 2020

Foot of the Walk to Coatfield Lane – ongoing, scheduled to complete by Spring 2021

The full construction programme can be accessed on the Trams to Newhaven website.

Traffic Management

Traffic management arrangements have been approved jointly with members of the city’s Traffic Management Review Panel, including Lothian Buses and the emergency services, and these will be in place from 28 March 2020. Access through the site will be maintained for emergency services at all times. Diversion routes and advanced warning signage will be erected in the vicinity for information.

During main construction works there will be no stopping or waiting at any time within the city bound running lane. Traffic management plans are available online.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times on both sides of Leith Walk. While current parking and loading will be suspended, temporary car parks will be provided on Leith Walk to ensure people can still visit the area to shop and go about their business.


A bi-directional cycle lane on the west side of Leith Walk will be provided and maintained throughout the construction works. At times there will be local diversions to this lane in order to facilitate the works. These will be clearly sign posted as required.

Bus diversions

The project has liaised extensively with Lothian on the proposed traffic management to allow Lothian to develop their bus diversion route plans. Full details of bus diversions are available online.

Changes to Lothian’s network have been announced as work is set to begin Leith Walk for the next stage of the Trams to Newhaven project.

Read more here ➡️ https://bit.ly/37w3RM9

Leith Walk will see significant traffic management in place from 28 March 2020 for 18 months, with major diversions to all bus services in this area. Main services affected include the 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 22, 25 and 49.

Information on these changes will be available on-board buses, on our website and on social media.

Lothian encourages all customers – whether occasional users or regular commuters – to view these changes and plan accordingly if affected. Full information about route changes across the network can be viewed here ➡️ https://bit.ly/38AQbkf

The bus company said ‘We sincerely thank all customers for their understanding and patience while this work is carried out.’

Construction Works 

From 28 March to 11 April fencing will be erected in order to establish the construction site. Construction work will involve the excavation of the road to allow utility diversions, tracklaying, installation of tram infrastructure, public realm improvements and heritage and archaeology works.

The construction strategy, which involves large work sites being established to allow both utility works and tramway construction, means works can continue in the event of any problem being encountered during the period.

During construction, communal bins for Leith Walk will be situated at the nearest side street to the existing location. The regularity of uplifts will be increased to ensure the area is kept clean and tidy and uplifts will take place in the evening to minimise traffic in the area at peak times.

All post boxes will be removed from Leith Walk and returned once construction is completed.

The London Road roundabout clock and bronze pigeons will be refurbished and returned to an improved public realm at Elm Row, scheduled for completion Autumn 2021.

Supporting Local Businesses 

There will be a Support for Business package in operation, devised in consultation with businesses in the area, which will include a local voucher scheme, an ‘open for business’ campaign across a range of media and a business continuity fund. Full details can be found on the project website.

Logistics hubs to support Leith Walk businesses will be set up on Montgomery Street, Albert Street, Dalmeny Street and at the Foot of the Walk to help with deliveries and dispatches. These will also be the location for businesses presenting their trade waste. Help will be at hand via these logistics hubs for residents expecting large deliveries such as appliances or furniture too.

For further information visit www.tramstonewhaven.co.uk.

Alternatively the team can be emailed at Newhaven.tram@edinburgh.gov.uk.

While the inexorable construction process continues, it’s easy to forget that a public inquiry into the Edinburgh’s trams fiasco continues at a snail’s pace. It was launched in summer 2014 and there’s still no sign of it reporting any time soon.

The Inquiry,under former Lord Advocate Lord Hardie, aims to establish why the Edinburgh Tram project incurred delays, cost more than originally budgeted and, through reductions in scope, delivered significantly less than projected.

The official terms of reference for the Inquiry are to:

  • Inquire into the delivery of the Edinburgh Tram project (‘the project’), from proposals for the project emerging to its completion, including the procurement and contract preparation, its governance, project management and delivery structures, and oversight of the relevant contracts, in order to establish why the project incurred delays, cost considerably more than originally budgeted for and delivered significantly less than was projected through reductions in scope.
  • Examine the consequences of the failure to deliver the project in the time, within the budget and to the extent projected.
  • Review the circumstances surrounding the project as necessary, in order to report to the Scottish Ministers making recommendations as to how major tram and light rail infrastructure projects of a similar nature might avoid such failures in future.

The trams were five years late, £400 MILLION over budget and that was for a single line, not the promised network … it’s comforting to know that lessons have been learned!

Nothing can go wrong now …


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