Power Up: closing the digital divide

J.P. Morgan, with Good Things Foundation, has launched Power Up, a pioneering £1.3 million initiative to help people, businesses and communities to participate by helping people in under-served communities build the digital skills needed to qualify for in-demand jobs. Glasgow and Edinburgh are two of the four areas identified for support.

Good Things Foundation – a social change charity, and sector-leader in digital inclusion for socially excluded groups – will deliver the new Power Up initiative. They are working with SCVO (Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations).

Despite widespread internet access, there is a deep divide between those who have the digital skills and confidence to benefit fully, and those who do not. Around 10% of people across Scotland are ‘internet non-users’.

Across the UK, the latest Ofcom release shows a 17% gap in internet use between adults in high and low socio-economic groups. Of people with zero digital skills, 46% earn less than £17,499 a year.

People with basic digital skills can expect a lifetime increase of their average earnings of 2.8%.

Across Scotland, governments, corporates, community organisations and charities are working to close the digital divide. Power Up is an exciting new contribution that will support and motivate people to apply digital skills in their lives or businesses, and will use digital inclusion to catalyse collaboration locally.

The Power Up initiative is looking for applicants who can rise to this challenge. Applicants will already be experts in providing community-based, person-centred support to people on low incomes; or in providing support to small businesses.

They will be looking for opportunities to transform their offer so that digital skills are embedded more fully; or to extend their offer, where they have a proven track record of embedding digital skills in their support.

Good Things Foundation and J.P. Morgan will be holding an event to celebrate the launch in Glasgow next Thursday (27th June); this will also be an opportunity for potential applicants to find out more.  

As well as Edinburgh and Glasgow, Power Up will support activity in Bournemouth and East London, all of which are local to J.P. Morgan’s largest UK operations.

In all of these locations the firm’s employees will invest their time and talents in supporting the community organisations who are delivering digital skills training to those who can most benefit from it. Organisations and partnerships interested in applying to Power Up should go to www.power-up.org.uk

The initiative has been welcomed by the Scottish government’s Minister for the Digital Economy, Kate Forbes MSP.

Dan Zinkin, Managing Director, Global Technology for Digital Investment Banking at J.P. Morgan, says: “Digital skills are essential today and have the potential to change lives – helping people to find work, grow their businesses and take charge of their finances.

“Through Power Up, the impact of today’s initiative will be to enable more people in Edinburgh and Glasgow to contribute to and share in the rewards of a growing economy. J.P. Morgan is passionate about the impact that developing digital skills can have on our economy and our society, and we’re delighted to be working with Good Things Foundation to launch Power Up.”

Kate Forbes MSP, Minister for Public Finance and Digital Economy, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to work right across sectors to improve digital inclusion, maximise economic prospects, and ultimately to close the digital divide.

“The Scottish Government is pleased to support JP Morgan’s innovative initiative. It is designed to help individuals, communities and businesses to support people with their digital skills. The initiative is an important step towards bridging the digital skills gap and ensuring that everyone in Scotland can enjoy the social, cultural and economic benefits of the internet.”

Helen Milner OBE, Good Things Foundation Chief Executive, said: “The world we’re living in is changing rapidly, and although digital has the power to revolutionise both our lives and our work, many people are being left behind.

“That’s why we’re delighted to be working with J.P Morgan to deliver a new kind of initiative that will change how digital skills support is delivered in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

“J.P. Morgan’s Corporate Responsibility mission is to enable more people to contribute to and share in the rewards of a growing economy, so that’s why working with them is such a great fit. This initiative will have a significant impact on the lives of the people we’re supporting, and I know the learnings will have a long term impact on the sector, and the way digital skills support is delivered.”

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