Leith community councils demolish Drum’s Leith Walk appeal

Leith’s community councils are urging city planners to reject Drum Property Group’s appeal against the decision to reject contoversial plans for Stead’s Place on Leith Walk. 

In their ‘unprecedented’ twenty-page joint submission, Leith Central, Leith Links and Leith Harbour & Newhaven CCs argue that the shops facing demolition are valued by local people and that proposed student housing is not suitable for the area. In a comprehensive dismantling of the developer’s argument, the three community councils go on to cite a number of technical reasons why Drum’s appeal should be dismissed.

The local community councils maintain that the original grounds for rejecting the planning permissions still apply and ask that both appeals are refused ‘to encourage a more socially congenial redevelopment of the site and the sandstone building.’

Read their detailed demolition below:


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