Big-hearted drivers needed to help ease loneliness

Big-hearted drivers with a spare Sunday afternoon are needed to help lift the spirits of some of the capital’s loneliest people. Contact the Elderly, a charity tackling social isolation among the older generation, provides companionship through free Sunday afternoon tea parties across Edinburgh.

The popular gatherings offer a lifeline of friendship for older people living alone who often have difficulty getting out and about.

A vital part of the service is the door-to-door transport provided by volunteer drivers who chauffeur guests to and from the events. But a shortage of drivers has led to a long waiting list of guests eager to join the parties.

Now an appeal has gone out for volunteers to get behind the wheel to help as many guests as possible enjoy an afternoon out.

Contact the Elderly has 23 groups across the city supporting more than 150 older people who regularly attend the tea parties which are usually held in small, informal groups in a volunteer host’s home.

Lorna Dunbar, the charity’s Support Officer for Edinburgh, says those couple of hours spent with friendly, like-minded people can make a tremendous difference to the life of someone who spends much of the week alone.        

“We take for granted things like popping out to meet a friend for a cuppa and a chat but as time passes and people lose friends and family, it gets more difficult, especially for those with mobility issues.

“That’s why our drivers are such a vital part of our operation. We’ve already got a superb band of volunteers in the city but the popularity of the tea parties means we need more. It doesn’t involve a huge commitment, just two or three hours once a month, but it is such a worthwhile and rewarding activity.

“Drivers usually take the same group out each month and it’s lovely to see the inter-action and the genuine friendships that can develop. The drivers get just as much out of the events as the guests and they can see the tangible results of their contribution – you just have to look at the smiles on their faces. Brightening up someone’s day doesn’t cost anything but just knowing you have helped ease loneliness for a while is priceless.”


Edinburgh scientist Laura McQuatt has been a volunteer driver and group coordinator with Contact the Elderly for almost 6 years.

Keen to put something back into the community, a driving role with the charity caught the 33-year-old mum’s eye.

“ One Sunday afternoon a month seemed like a good level of commitment to fit into my busy life,” she explained, “and having previously worked with the elderly I knew I would enjoy their company.

“ I absolutely love my volunteering and look forward to catching up with our guests and the other volunteers each month.  We always have interesting conversation; sometimes it’s serious, sometimes hilarious! And of course we drink lots of tea and eat lots of cake!”

Since starting with Contact the Elderly she has also experienced many of life’s major milestones.

“I’ve changed jobs, got married, moved house and had two children. But through all the changes in my life my volunteering has been a welcome constant, and I cherish it.

“I’d encourage anyone else thinking about volunteering to take a look at Contact the Elderly – it’s only a few hours out of your month but your company means so much to the guests, some of whom can spend much of their month alone.”

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