Police are appealing for information after a JCB digger struck the front of a newsagents on Gorgie Road. Continue reading Gorgie Road ram raid: police appeal for witnesses
Day: January 31, 2019
New group to tackle loneliness
The membership of a new group to advise on addressing social isolation has been announced.
In December 2018 the Scottish Government launched its first strategy focused on social isolation and loneliness in society, backed by £1 million of funding.
A range of public, third sector organisations and experts who helped develop the strategy will now put it into action.
Minister for Older People and Equalities Christina McKelvie announced the members of the group on a visit to Dunbar Grammar School’s ‘Cross Generation’ intergenerational project. This project has been running at the school for 16 years and includes monthly sessions for lunches, day trips and a film club with older members of the local community.
Minister for Older People and Equalities Christina McKelvie said: “As one of the first governments in the world to address the issue of social isolation in society, we want to promote positive attitudes and tackle the stigma associated with loneliness.
“It can affect any one, at any stage, or from any walk of life and that’s why we invited charities like Youthlink Scotland to be members of the group. The membership of the new group has valuable experience to help with this important work.
“Projects such as ‘Cross Generation’ are exactly the kind of activity which can help beat loneliness. It was great to see the interaction between the generations, both learning from each other and enjoying each other’s company. Contact between different generations can help build understanding, strengthen communities and allow the sharing of invaluable skills, experiences and perspectives.”
Alison Clyde, director of Generations Working Together, who help organise the ‘Cross Generation’ group said: “We were thrilled that the Minister could visit an intergenerational project herself to see it in action.
“The projects bringing younger and older people together are beneficial for both generations. They also tackle loneliness and isolation as well as being highly beneficial for all the community.”
Full membership of the National Implementation Group includes:
Scottish Government
Voluntary Health Scotland
Befriending Networks
Campaign to End Loneliness
Transport Scotland
Architecture and Place Scotland
Age Scotland
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Youthlink Scotland
NHS Health Scotland
Generations Working Together
Read the social isolation and loneliness strategy, A Connected Scotland.
More about the Generations Working Together
Slightly ironic, this: see this morning’s earlier post about the LOOPS service being forced to close, and previous posts about the impact that Health & Social Care funding cuts are likely to have on older, isolated and vulnerable people in Edinburgh.
There’s the rhetoric – and then there’s the reality – Ed
Measures to reduce reoffending backed by MSPs
Proposals to increase the use of electronic tags and reduce the period that people with prior convictions must disclose convictions for have received the backing of MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee. Continue reading Measures to reduce reoffending backed by MSPs
Happy birthday, Periodic Table!
This year we celebrate the 150th anniversary of one of the most significant breakthroughs in science, the creation of a tool that allows us to make sense of the basic ingredients of our universe, and that still fuels research and innovation today: the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. Continue reading Happy birthday, Periodic Table!
Bogus Carer: Woman charged following dishonesty offences
Police in Edinburgh have arrested and charged a woman in connection with dishonesty offences in the west of the city. Continue reading Bogus Carer: Woman charged following dishonesty offences
Mental health campaign encourages Scots to care for others
Scotland is known as one of the friendliest countries in the world, famed for the warmth of our welcome. Breathing Space, Scotland’s mental health phone service, is encouraging Scots to continue to live up to this reputation, as they launch their ‘You Matter, We Care’ campaign this January.
Continue reading Mental health campaign encourages Scots to care for others
Doddie ups donation to MND Scotland
In June last year, the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation donated £100,000 to support MND Scotland’s Grants Service to help people affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND) with the financial burdens the disease brings.
International rugby player, Doddie Weir, who was diagnosed with MND in 2017, has now announced his foundation will up this contribution with another £50,000 donation towards MND Scotland’s grant scheme. Continue reading Doddie ups donation to MND Scotland
Funding cuts: end of the road for LOOPS service

Over the last five years, the LOOPs partners and teams have been working closely with City of Edinburgh Council and, more recently, Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership to deliver the Local Opportunities for Older People initiative across the city. It is with sadness that we are now in the position to inform you that this work will be coming to an end in March.
Continue reading Funding cuts: end of the road for LOOPS service
Persevered! Victory for Save Leith Walk campaigners
“Rarely has Leith’s motto ‘Persevere’ been more appropriate” Continue reading Persevered! Victory for Save Leith Walk campaigners