Letters: Taking Back Control

Dear Editor

When the banks collapsed through financial mismanagement and corruption in 2008 the people of the UK had to pay for this massive example of this failure of capitalism.

Wages were frozen, prices soared, thousands of jobs were lost, and both local and national services were decimated.

All this continued from 2008 to 2016 non-stop – and it is still going on today. People had had enough and were demanding that the banks should be under public control and stricter controls over the financial institutions should be introduced.

Danger signals from the banks and financial sector were very quickly raised: the demands of the people of the UK for control over these sectors must somehow be headed off.

It took a few years for the media to convince the people to blame others for the troubles, but they succeeded in splitting the nation practically down the middle, a classic example of the ‘divide and rule’ tactic.

The consequences of the phoney arguments in support of the EU referendum are yet to be felt.

Taking back control was advanced as an objective of the referendum, but in whose hands would control be? People had decided that in 2008 and will do so again.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens 

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