Edinburgh storytellers explore Scotland’s Suffragette story with students as part of Scotland’s local storytelling campaign

As part of Scotland’s Local Storytelling Campaign and to mark this year’s centenary of the women’s right to vote and The Year of Young People, Edinburgh storytellers Lea Taylor and Nicola Wright have teamed with students from Woodmill High School, Dunfermline and will be looking closely at themes connected to their storytelling performance, ‘The Purple White and Green: The Story of Scottish Suffragettes’.

The Purple, White and Green was specifically written to mark this year’s centenary of the women’s right to vote. This powerful piece of storytelling is both timely and compelling.

Focussing on the Scottish Suffragette movement, storytellers Nicola Wright and Lea Taylor passionately present this important piece of social history, one that is lesser known in the narrative of the suffragette movement. A mix of historical facts and prose presented with verve and vigour, where deeds and words come together.

With the help of Vote 100 UK Parliament funding, Nicola and Lea are working with students of Woodmill High School, Dunfermline to explore this story further. The project began with an education session on democracy at the Scottish Parliament’s education centre on Thursday 27 September. Students watched Lea and Nicola tell their story and then took part in an open discussion on the themes surrounding the performance.

Back in their school, the pupils will later take part in a series of workshops to generate a deeper understanding of democracy, the voting system in Scotland, the issues the Suffragettes faced and how and why their struggle still has relevance today.

Edinburgh based storyteller, Lea Taylor said: “Scotland’s contribution is a lesser known tale in the larger narrative of the Suffragette movement and we’re delighted that we can work with Woodmill High School to explore in greater detail the many issues of Scotland’s Suffragettes and how they are still relevant today. 

“We’ve had some wonderful interest in The Purple, White and Green since it launched in February at the Scottish Storytelling Centre and we’re hoping to tour around schools in Scotland to share this important story. We’re also performing as part of the International Storytelling Festival and travelling to Toronto next year for the Toronto Storytelling Festival; depending on funding – we would love to work with a school in Canada on a similar project!”

This opportunity is part of Scotland’s Local Storytelling Campaign which is running across Scotland 17 Sep – Friday 30 November.

The Local Storytelling Campaign is a creative outreach initiative that bookends and runs alongside the Scottish International Storytelling Festival (SISF); an annual celebration of live storytelling & cultural diversity that takes place each year at the end of October, organised by Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland (TRACS).

The Local Storytelling Campaign focuses on the community angle and reach of the SISF with schools and communities encouraged to take part by holding or attending a storytelling event that celebrates an over-arching theme and this year’s theme is Growing Stories.

National Storytelling Co-Ordinator, Miriam Morris says: “The Local Storytelling Campaign is a great opportunity for schools and community groups to get together and share and connect with stories in their own creative way.

“This year’s theme highlights how stories enable communities to grow and how stories, such as The Purple, White and Green, are key to preserving heritage and cultures for new generations whilst connecting us with the greater world around us.”

As part of the Local Campaign, audiences across Scotland are invited to book a storyteller for a local event, strike-up new community activity and engagement and share all storytelling activity with the TRACS team and their community.

Events can take place anytime between 17 Sep – 30 November, however a designated showcase day will take place on Wednesday 7 November with schools and community groups encouraged to hold events on this date and showcase their work online with the hashtag #GrowingStories 

Free resources, including a storytelling toolkit with ideas on how to take part, promotional materials, a PR and Social Media Guide pack, information on storytelling booking rates and subsidies can be found online at: www.sisf.org.uk/local-campaign

Schools and community groups across Scotland are encouraged to get in touch with the National Storytelling Co-Ordinator, Miriam Morris if they would like to hold an event.

For further information on how to book a storyteller, the Local Campaign subsidy and for any help with promotion or event listings, please contact National Storytelling Co-Ordinator, Miriam Morris – miriam@tracscotland.org

Pictures: Lara Cappelli

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